
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wishin' He Was Fishin'

This is a picture of Terry with his reel in one hand and the lure in the other. You know what he would like to be doing and it is definitely not lying in a hospital bed. Except for some bad indigestion he was feeling pretty good today. He doesn't have much of an appetite though. The nurse even disconnected his IV long enough for him to get a shower without rolling the pole in with him. He even walked down the hall and back. It was sooooo good to get to see him walking down the hallway toward me but when he instinctively started to hug me, I wouldn't let him. I do not want to risk transferring any germs to my baby brother. I wore my mask the entire time and he had one on too when he was out of his room. We feel your prayers, please keep them up. Terry is a partner at SCS and they are planning a blood drive on Friday, Feb. 16th, 7am to 5pm in his honor. If you are interested in learning more, go to Once there, use the Site Code: terrydavidson All donors will receive an American Red Cross t-shirt. I prayed for God to bless each one of you who reads this message. You are a blessing to all of us. -----Karen

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