
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Good Report

We went to the BMT unit today for his check up and they did draw a pint of blood off him due to the hemoglobin count. It was fairly high. They gave him a testosterone shot and we talked about his cough and how it had not been bad at all the last two or three days. Hopefully whatever that was is gone! He will go back for a pulmonary test in December so hopefully everything will stay normal and the lung issue will disappear! They did not hear the "crackle" that they heard last time we were there. They are supposed to come pick up the oxygen tank and machine soon! We are not supposed to go back until Oct 15th. We are now on a three week schedule. They did not take him off any more immune suppression meds but mentioned giving him a flu shot and a tetna shot next time he comes in. It being the flu season he really needs to be careful! If you see him, ask him if is using his hand sanitizer! He has been slacking lately! We hope to go see Granny this weekend, it has been too long since we have been out to the nursing home. Karen told me Tara and Morgan went and she was doing really good. Terry will be 50 this November so we have alot to celebrate! Celebrating 25 years of marriage and him turning 50 was something we were not sure was going to happen. We talk about it all the time and we know God is leaving him here for a reason. We are SO thankful we are able to celebrate these turning points in our life! I will update soon! Hugs to all of you and God Bless You All! Alyce

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