
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home from The Hospital

We came home today with levonox shots and coumadin added to all the other meds he takes. The shots will be for 14 days, day and night, and I am not sure how long he will be on the coumadin. We will go back to the BMT unit on Friday to get checked out. Right now it hurts him to walk or be on his feet long. So working for a while is out, until the doctor says or until the pain goes away so he can stay on his feet without hurting. The main thing we were so worried about was it moving and something happening to him like it did Johnny. The doctor and nurses have assured us that is was OK to be at home he just has to rest and take it easy(they just don't know how hard that will be for me)! Kristina is at home so I will let her give him his shots. I will watch so if I have to I can! I just say a little prayer and hope God watches over him! Just wanted to update everyone and let them know we were home now! Thanks Brother Jerry for visiting him in the hospital. He enjoyed talking to you and by the way "Congratulations!" Thank you for all the phone calls and prayers. That is what is getting us through all this! We love all of you! Alyce

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