
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Great News!

We had a GREAT visit today! They said his liver enzymes were down and they are trying an experiment and taking him off his liver meds for two weeks and then he will have to go in and get a test done to make sure they are staying down. So we were happy about that. And then Dr. Vaughan decided to bring him off some more of his immune suppression meds too! So we were very pleased when we left there! Just hope nothing comes up to make them have to put him back on the meds they took him off of. We were hoping when they started taking him off the meds he would be off of them by Christmas. Not sure that will happen now but just have to be patient I guess! Men do not have alot of patience!!!! He wants SOSOSOSOSOSO bad to be "normal" again. Not sure if that will ever happen but we can come close to it at least! The prayers from all of you are making the difference and for him to come this far it shows the power of prayer, God will answer. We also went to the vascular doctor on Wednesday and he had nothing but good news for us. His blood flow is good and they think the purple color in his feet are just another side effect of the heavy chemo he received and the meds he is still on and the only thing they would do is give him coumadin, which he is already on. So we were very happy when we left there. Kristy, the one that had the car accident last summer had come back to work and she had to have major surgery yesterday. They told her she would be on a respirator and in intensive care for several days and she came through it with flying colors, no ICU, no respirator, just straight to a regular room and may go home this weekend. So God does answer prayers! My mom is doing better and my brother had cancer taken off his face today and is re-cooping at home. So much going on at one time! Kristina is studying hard for tests, the last ones before graduating. She is stressed to say the least! We are celebrating her and Garretts engagement this weekend so she can relax for a day! He leaves for Navy boot camp in November so he is getting ready for that! So no wedding date yet, but maybe next summer? Thank you all so much for your love and prayers! We love you! Alyce

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