
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Everyone's At Home Now

Yes, I am exhausted! I do not think I ever got this tired through the whole year last year! I'm chalking it up to old age! John had his surgery yesterday early and he was and is still pretty much out of it. They released Terry around 2 pm yesterday and we went and got John from my Dad's and Barbara's and all came home. Kristina had driven in after her last test in Tuscaloosa. She is home for the summer thank goodness. I need her help! They sent oxygen home with us and of course Terry being the stubborn person he is will not keep it on. They will stretch his esophogus again on Monday and then will go to the BMT unit for his oxygen to be measured. He will go to a pulmanary doctor sometime this week and in the mean time I have to take John to the doctor at 1pm on Tuesday to take the staples out. They have prescibed Lovibox shots to be given to John because of the Factor-5 lyden that Terry, Karen and Kristina have. This can cause blood clots, Johnny most likely had it and that is why he is not here with us today! I want to apologize to Jerry Jenkins, our preacher, he followed us around all day yesterday and never found us. Everywhere he went we had just left! I am sorry for that Jerry! We love everyone of you and keep praying for Terry in that his bone marrow test will come back negative! Hugs to everyone! Alyce

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