
Monday, May 12, 2008

Great News!

We got wonderful news this afternoon. We went to the GI doctor and he got his esophogus stretched to where the doc said he should notice alot of difference. He ate a bacon cheeseburger and some strawberries and cream for lunch(I got food in the food court at the hospital). He was then wheel-chaired over to the BMT unit and when we went in Dr. Vaughan, the big cheese, looked up at Terry and said "I looked at your bone marrow and it's puny but there is no leukemia!" We literally fell on him and said "Praise the Lord!" I felt like a brick house had been lifted off of me! Of course we asked about the puny part. He said it just hasn't stirred up like they would like it to but that was ok. Getting that kind of news just made our week!!! God is good and has more work for Terry to do here on earth! John is recovering and I take him to the doctor tomorrow. God bless everyone of you who have spent the last year praying for us, your work has been rewarded! Hugs and kisses to all! Alyce

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