
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blood Sugar Goes Up

We went to the BMT unit today and his blood sugar was high so we learned how to take it with one of those little machines that prick your finger. He says it doesn't hurt and he only has to do it when he wakes up in the morning and before we eat dinner. He is not on insulin yet and hopefully it won't come to that but they said we had to watch it while he on the steroids. He will be re-evaluated next week about coming off of them. He had a chest x-ray done and will do a pulmanary test Friday for the lung problem that has been with him since October. We were there from 9:30 am until 4:00 pm, a very long day. We saw a young man, whom we have become friends with as you do in the bmt unit, he had the same thing as Terry. He is only 24 years old and is battling the GVHD also. They tried the steriods with him, same regimine as they have Terry on, but it is not working so they were admitting him today and going to start a chemo-therapy to try to get it under control. I felt SO bad for him. Terry always encourages him and tells him to keep the faith and that God is watching over him. He always shakes his head and says " I know, I going to be alright". He is very swollen from the steroids and his arms are so bruised from the needles. His name is Mark, so keep him in your prayers. Lidia had a wreck this morning on the way to work, but she is OK. She is bruised and sore so don't know exactly when she will return back to work, soon hopefully! We also found out today a man who attended Terry's leukemia benefit and goes to church with my brother, Alan, lost his battle with cancer. He had throat cancer and when he and his wife attended the benefit, I remember talking to him about his fight with throat cancer and he had won the battle at that time(in May of 2007). He was cancer free for a year and it returned in the form of tumors in different parts of his body. He faught and took treatments and decided he was not going to live the rest of his life in pain and suffering. He stopped taking the treatments when they told him it could help but there was a chance they would not help. The church they attend, Mtn Top, paid for his family(wife and 2 children) to go to Hawaii to have a vacation they would not forget. He started riding his bike and worked a little until he couldn't any more and spent the rest of his days with a quality of life with his family until today. Please pray for the Joe Lent family and that they may get through this with God's Grace. I think about losing T when I hear about things like this and I have to thank the good Lord above he is still here. He has decided that the BMT unit needs more room, along with Dr. Vaughan, and is planning to start raising money to help it along. As we go up there so often we see a great need for this. He got his first donation yesterday and was so proud that Mr. Shirley was so gracious and generous in his giving. I am sure something will be in the works and we will let everyone know. We love all of you and God Bless Everyone of you for staying with us through this journey! Alyce

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