
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great News!

We saw the doctor last week and Terry got a good report! The doctor brought him down on some more meds especially the immune suppression med. This is sososososo great! This means his(I mean Karen's) immune system is getting stronger! He is still having problems with his lungs and most likely always will but thats ok as long as he does not get an infection in them! That would be very BAD! We are celebrating Kristina's graduation this weekend from UA College of Nursing! Something we were not sure T would be here to witness. God is good!!!! We are excited!!!! She and I went today and bought her wedding dress! She is beautiful in it! Garrett will be so surprised! We have heard from him through letters and it sounds like he is being tested! It will all be worth it one day and that is what I told him in a letter I wrote to him this week!!! Sorry so late posting this! He is doing good and hopefully will continue through the holidays! God Bless You and Merry Christmas! Alyce

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