
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Terry was eating like a horse today and feeling a little stronger. His White blood count was .46, his Red blood count was 20.3 and Platelets were 11,000. For our nurse and doctor friends, this will mean something to you. All I know is that Terry's nurse said the Red blood count and Platelets were in the good range. I do know that the White blood count is still extremely low which is what they wanted but it means that his immune system is still extremely low too. Remember, normal is 4,000 to 10,000. Alyce said they did not start his chemo back until about 5pm tonight. They gave him a steroid, an antibiotic, "Big Red", and then the 24/7 chemo drip. He will be on this for 3 days. They also gave him something for nausea that makes you very sleepy because he was trying to stay awake at about 6:15 tonight when I was talking to Alyce, but his eyes just wouldn't stay open. Sweet dreams little brother. God has his angels watching over you, and many prayers are being said on your behalf. We are very encouraged over last night's good news but we still have a few weeks of treatment to go. Thank you all for your comments posted to each blog. I am printing them and will take them to Terry. -----Karen


matt said...

It is a wonderful thing to have access to a Great God and His Son. I got to talk to Alyce and Terry yesterday, and they both have a strength in their voices that only God could put there. We must not forget the knowledge that God has allowed us to have that has helped Terry. Let us all be in fervent prayer for Terry,his family,the doctors, nurses, all that are minstering to him. Also that God will put in Terry a healing that his body will remain strong. That Terry and his family will give God and His Son the glory and honor.
"Father give us this day."
Matt and family

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear the good news about Terry! Please let him know he is in our prayers daily!!!! Love, Tanya Winget