
Friday, June 1, 2007

Day + 6

Terry had to have more platelets today. He only got 1/2 of the chemo scheduled because of his kidneys. They will give him another drug tomorrow to bring him back up after the chemo effects. Alyce walked him down the hallway and back a couple of times to keep him using his muscles. He had only grape juice and water today. The sores in his mouth are just too bad to eat. He has gained 7 pounds in fluid. His fingers were so swollen, Alyce had a hard time getting his ring off. He is still sleeping most of the time. When you pray for Terry tonight or tomorrow, please lift up a friend and former co-worker of mine in your prayers too. His name is Boyd Jordan. He just found out that his Multiple Myeloma cancer has returned. He had a stem cell transplant from his own stem cells 2 years ago. He is about to begin radiation and chemo treatments. He called me tonight to tell me he had read the blog and is praying for Terry too. While you are talking to the Lord, please remember our sweet cousin, Angie, in Tuscaloosa. She broke her ankle and then got a blood clot in her leg and is really suffering with the pain. I pray that God will ease all their pain and heal them very soon. May HE bless you all.++++Karen

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