
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good Report

Yesterday, Terry and Alyce had to return for a visit to UAB. The doctors examined him and did the normal blood work and said everything is looking good. Our goal is to get to Day 100 without developing the graft vs host disease. I think that Alyce said we have 2 more weeks from his new "Birthday" of May 26. They don't have to report back until next Tuesday. Mom came through the skin graft surgery fine. She was scheduled for 9:20am and they did not take her until about 2pm. They took the skin from the thigh of the leg with the wound. It is about 2 inches by 7 inches and is covered with a thin plastic tape. She was in a lot of pain and neither of us got much sleep until about 3am when I got the nurse to call the doctor. He let her give Mom a shot of demerol and phenergan and she was asleep in 10 minutes. I was exhausted so Sunny (relative and sitter from our church) came to relieve me about 2pm and I went home to get a nap. My daughter, Traci, relieved her about 9pm to stay the night. I felt like I needed to be at work today because a State of Alabama auditor is going to be there to start a Sales & Use tax audit. Sunny will be back about 8am and I will relieve her this afternoon. Mom's dementia is sometimes terrible and other times she makes perfect sense in her conversation. I'll bet I put her oxygen back in her nose at least 100 times last night. She just could not remember to keep it in and it made her nose itch. I just talked with Traci and she said she was restless last night and did not sleep more than 1 or 2 hours at a time until early this morning. Please continue to remember Mom (and all of us) in your prayers. Love, Karen

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