
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Family News

I talked to Kenny tonight and he said they may move Lois to a private room as soon as tomorrow. It all depends on how she is doing in the morning. He said they sat her up for three hours today and she was not fond of that at all. She needs encouragement to go on! Send her a card if you can! She is at Trinity Hospital in SCIU right now, but that could change soon! I also talked to Jackie this afternoon and she said Butch was feeling OK but not good. He is supposed to go to the doctor in a week or so. He just does not need to overdue it! He was with Micheal today helping him pick out a new truck! Some new news that I do not know how many of the family knows this, but Rick Rockhill is in the hospital in Nashville. They removed his gall bladder yesterday. He said he was feeling really bad and they scoped him and discovered that his gall bladder was infected and could have released deadly bile into his body that could kill him. He was groggy this afternoon when I talked with him so I will leave him alone for a day and let him rest. We go to the doctor on Tuesday. We did not go this week. First to the gastrointerologists then to the BMT unit. Terry is fishing today and Friday in Eufala, the AGC tournament, and was real tired when I talked with him earlier. But caught some fish so he was happy!I will update as I find new things going on. Love to all of you! Alyce

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