
Thursday, May 8, 2008


Hi Everyone, this is Karen. I told Alyce I would do the Blog for her because she is at the hospital with Terry. Yesterday they were at UAB from 9am and got home about 5:15pm. The doctor called them and said they needed to come back to the hospital to check Terry in because a test they had done on him showed his oxygen level was dangerously low. He was at risk for a stroke or heart attack. They checked him in about 7:45pm. Earlier his white cell count was elevated to 14,000 (normal 4,00 to 11,000) and they had done several blood tests and the Bone Marrow test and a CT thinking he may have some pneumonia. He was on oxygen overnight and when Alyce got to the BMTU this morning, he was gone for more pulmonary tests. They just got through doing a V.Q. test on him where he breathes in a substance that makes your insides glow so they can see everything better. They now think he has a possible blood clot in his lung. They are about to do another special CT test to confirm. Please pray that the results from the Bone Marrow test and blood tests will be good and that this possible blood clot can be dissolved. Most of you do not know that our Dad died of a blood clot so this is Very serious and scary to all of us. John is supposed to have knee surgery tomorrow at St. Vincent's East. Please pray for him and his speedy recovery. I will try to keep you updated. Love to all, Karen

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