
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Great News!

We had a GREAT visit today! They are bringing him down on the steriods and the immune suppression meds as of today! That is HUGE! He is going back on the fungal meds to protect him and that is a great thing too! We have been so careful because we know it could be deadly to him if he were to come in contact with something they could not get rid of, especially in his lungs. We only have to do the antibiotic iv now once in the morning and fluids in the afternoon(only 7 more days left of the fluids), not sure how long he will have to be on the iv antibiotic, just depends on how the test results come back. We know at least 14 more days. He has been doing his excercises the pt gave him and it is helping his strength. Dr. Salzman was in a crazy mood today but a good mood! You can tell T is special to her! His eyes are SOOOO much better and skin color is too! So the liver counts are going down, but she said they may go up after starting back on the v-fend, but that is expected. So we really feel God is helping him get better to do more good work here on earth! They also gave him a shot to build his red blood cells or should I say Karen's blood cells! Ha! That's so GREAT! So many people are going through this that don't have the match that he and Karen did! God is SOOO Good! We see people up there that are struggling just like we did and each person that has this done is different. Everybody's reaction is unique. It takes these smart doctors, that God has given them the knowledge, to figure it all out! We talked with Dr. Vaughan today and he is SOOOO smart! His language is way over my head! I know all of you were waiting for an update, sorry so long! We love you and God Bless Every One of You! Hugs and kisses! Alyce

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