
Monday, October 1, 2007

New Update

This is an update sent to me today from Alyce......We spent most of the day at the doctor Thursday. He had 2 MRI's-took 2 hours! They drew blood before we went for them and afterwards they decided to do a B-12 level and rheumatoid arthritis tests. They went through alot of scenarios of what might be causing the tingling and numbness in his toes and wrists and places on his arms. He even said maybe it was a form of the graph VS host disease. He said something about seeing a neurologists after they got the results back from the MRI's. He made Terry take his shoes and socks off and close his eyes and he moved his toes around to see if he could feel it and he could, so I guess that is a good sign. His feet are still swelling. We mostly just stayed around the house all weekend. We went to church and when we got home they were swollen so he stayed off of them most of the day.......This is from me:... I had tests Friday and had to go in fasting. They did Ultrasounds and a complete Cardiac stress workup. I was there from 8am to 5:15pm with only a pack of peanut butter crackers and a diet coke about 2pm. The doctor said they did find some abnormalities and I have to go to Radiology this Friday morning for more tests. They also did a rheumatoid arthritis blood test on me. This is really strange because I did not even know that Terry had gone to the doctor until today. I am also experiencing pain, tingling and burning in my feet but no swelling. I guess we really are twins now, but I have a good immune system and Terry is still waiting for his to develop better. .... I saw Mom on Saturday and again this afternoon to take her clean laundry. She was about the same. Please pray for Terry's tests to turn out good and also for mine on Friday. God bless you, Karen

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