
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Port Pulled Out!

We went to the BMT today for photopheresis and met with Dr. Salzman and she decided his temp port should come out, so they used it one last time. Then one of the fellows pulled it out. We discussed his swollen feet and the color of them and they did not seem to be TOO concerned. This will all go away in time after he is off the steroids. He is going down on the dosage tomorrow to 2 mg every other day. He should be totally off by July 16th. We asked about going to the family reunion(Thrasher's) in Guntersville next weekend and a trip to Mobile the first of August. They seemed to be ok with it as long as we did or didn't do certain things. We just have to be SO careful! He goes back Saturday for a coumadin level to make sure his blood stays this enough not to get another blot clot. We are discussing some surgery but won't know for sure until some tests are done in July. I will update again soon! He doesn't go back for photopheresis until the middle of July. YEAH!!!! Butch is taking him tomorrow for his second round. There is a little girl in Children's that has AML just like T. She is 8 years old and is going through her third battle with chemo and when I say battle, that is exactly what it is!!! It's not a fun thing and it is making her very sick. Her name is Victoria, please pray for her! You can visit her caring bridge site and look at her story. It is at She is a brave little girl! We love all of you for hanging in here with us! BIG hugs and kisses! God Bless You! Alyce

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