
Sunday, October 19, 2008

No Good News to Report

Well, we went to the BMT unit on Saturday morning 3-4 hours after he got his levonox shot for them to draw a level on it. His pain is still about the same, not much change at all. Not a good sign! They had told me they would call me but I never got that call. So on Sunday morning I called the nurse and finally got her and she had spoke with Terry's doctor and they increased his coumadin and we are to go back this Thursday. Please pray the pain starts to go away, because he gonna go crazy in this house. He has spent so much time not being able to work and he is VERY upset about that! He worries about things too much even though Gil and Davis reassure him everything is ok, but he still worries. He had gotten out and started working with the salesmen so I hope that he can return to some kind of work soon! I will report more after we visit the doctor on Thursday. Love to everyone! Alyce

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