
Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Trip to the Hospital

Well, we have had a long day! He is back in the hospital with a big blood clot. It is about 2 to 3 inches long. It started in his calf and worked its way up his leg into his thigh. He also has little ones in his calf. So they gave him a lovanox shot and is supposed to give him another before he goes to sleep tonight. We will find out what the plan is tomorrow morning after Dr. Salzman talks to Dr. Vaughan. He is very cautious about this because of his Dad dying of a blood clot while in the hospital. He, Karen and we found out Kristina all have Factor 5 Liden and most likely this is what caused Johnny's death. It is in the genes, so any of you out there that somehow came from Johnny's family better get yourself tested or if you have a surgical procedure, let the doctor's know that there is a possibility you might have it. It is a very dangerous and serious thing! Please pray that this goes away soon and he can resume his daily schedule. He has really enjoyed being out and working with all the salesmen these past few weeks. I will update tomorrow after we learn exactly what they are going to do! Hug your family, it will make you feel better! It sure makes me feel better! Hugs and kisses! Alyce

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