
Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Terry and Alyce were at UAB Tuesday and Wednesday. The Good.....the test on his lungs turned out good. The Bad....his blood pressure is very low and his heart rate is high. The Good....they decreased his Cyclosporin dosage from 400mg to 300mg. The Bad....his bladder is not emptying completely so they put him on a drug to help and he is feeling dizzy. He was also very dehydrated and had to stay from 9am to 4pm Wednesday getting the Bone Marrow Test and had to have 2 bags of fluid to help hydrate him. Results from the test will be given on Tuesday when they return to UAB. The Bad....Terry is feeling down, the Good....Alyce is such a good wife and nurse. The Ugly....Cancer of any kind. It is worse than any 4 letter word. It wrecks your life. It takes control of your body and tries to pull you to the depths of depression and anger. It has no compassion for the young or the old. It shows no sympathy for your family or financial situations. It is something we all silently dread but cannot imagine it actually ever happening to us. I'm sure everyone who has ever had it has thought "Why Me?" I wish I had the answers and the cure but I know that MY GOD will stand by us if we just reach out to Him. He has a plan for our life and even if we don't understand, we have to trust in his judgement. Please pray for good results from the Bone Marrow test and other tests they are doing on Terry. There is power in the prayers of believers. Call his prayer pager or drop him a card this week. He needs our encouragement. I went to see Mom this evening. She cried to come home and does not understand that she cannot walk or take care of herself. It is so emotionally draining to see her like this. Thank you for your prayers and concern. Love to you all, Karen

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