
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day + 16 & 17 GOOD NEWS!

Well, Monday was a little better day. White blood cell count was at .30 and he walked 17 laps around the unit (almost a mile). He had a great night and was not sick at all. He has been being sickest at night but I think they have finally got a routine on what time to give him the nausea and pain meds to help alleviate the sickness and restlessness. Alyce called me this morning (Tuesday)with GREAT news. His white blood cell count had finally come up to .63!!! That is still VERY low but at least the doctors were pleased because it has started up on it's on. Terry has asked the doctors EVERY DAY when he could go home. Today when he asked, the doctor told him maybe another week if he keeps improving. He may not be ready in a week, but at least this gives him something to look forward to. He did eat 1/2 of a canned pear today which was the first food in quite awhile. He also kept down some grape juice and water. He also walked more laps today. Cross your fingers and say your prayers that he will keep getting better each day. God is good---All the time. I had to have a root canal in the tooth that abscessed last week. This tooth had already had a root canal before the bridge was done several years ago, but had to be completely redone. The feeling is coming back and the pain is beginning but so far not nearly as bad as last week. Some of you do not know about our mom who is 83. She has dementia that is continuing to get worse and she also has a large ulcer (open wound) on her leg that has to be cleaned and bandaged daily. She is in terrible pain and I am afraid that her leg will have to be amputated. She is getting so bad mentally and physically that it is not safe for her to continue to live by herself. She is very stubborn and does not want to go to assisted living or a nursing home so I have just been trying to cope the best I can for the past year and a half. She lives about 2 blocks from me. I have taken her to several doctors and nothing has helped her leg. It has only gotten worse. I am taking her to the doctor again this Thursday. I work full time and she has fired the last 3 people I had hired to stay with her (accusing them of stealing.) Kristina is now helping out 4 hours on Monday and on Fridays but she really needs someone all the time. Please pray for her and for me. My brothers and I will have to make some decisions about Mom very soon. Love you all, Karen

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