
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Day + 23 & 24

Sorry I did not get to post last night I was just too tired. BUT, I have more great news to give you. Monday, Terry's white cell count came up to 1.56 and today it is at 2.81. He is feeling better, talking better and moving around better. He will probably have to have another bag of platelets and blood by tomorrow. Alyce is having their carpets cleaned and has taken all the curtains down to wash and is having a couple of friends come over to help her DEEP clean to try to make the house as germ free as possible. She is trying to get prepared for Terry to come home, hopefully Thursday. Of course he will still have to return daily for about 5 hours to UAB for awhile. But at least he can sleep in his own bed and sit in his own recliner and look down at the lake, and "just be home." I was at the hospital at 7:30am yesterday and today to feed Mom and help her get bathed, etc. She was up again last night and was confused about where she was. We now have a bed that alarms when she gets off the bed. I hope that will help, because I don't want her to fall and break a hip. Kristina came yesterday and stayed with her a few hours and helped her with lunch. I left from 12 to 5 and visited 5 Nursing Homes to try to find a place for Mom's rehab and beyond. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do but it is just not safe for her to live alone any longer. Unfortunately, because of the wound on her leg that will not heal, she cannot go to Assisted Living, which would be a much better option. Please pray that this transition will go as smoothly as possible. Thank you, Karen

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