
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day + 7

Terry got another pint of blood today. They had to put the line in his hand because he already had stuff going in to all the other lines. Walked the halls again and drank some orange juice and grape juice. He got a drug that is suppose to help the effects of the chemo given yesterday. His kidneys seem to be performing better. He has had an elevated temperature but he is not permitted to have even Tylenol. He is pretty miserable but thankful that there is no indication of HVGD (Host versus Graft disease). Thanks to some really sweet friends (the Wintons) who loaned us a laptop computer, we are able to continue the blog even while we are out of town. I am dealing with an abcessed tooth which is under a crown on one side of a bridge. An emergency trip to the dentist resulted in my being placed on antibiotics and analgesics. I am currently in a lot of pain and nauseated. While praying for Terry, put in a word for me, too! Please remember to pray and page, but remember "no visitors" and they really don't need phone calls coming into the room at this time. Cards of encouragement would be great! Thank you all for being so faithful in your caring and your praying! Love to you all, Karen

1 comment:

Boyd Jordan said...

Hi Karen,
Praying for tooth relief and plenty of rest for you. Terry is on target so far-great news there is no HVGD. God'd grace will sustain each of you during the days ahead. I had excellent care there and they overcame every set-back. Keep the faith!
I will try to stop by and ask the nurse to send out a family member to meet me Monday morning after I complete my bone marrow biospy procedure at Kirkland around 10 AM.I need to pick up my 2 year post transplant report evaluation from Dr. Vaughan as well.
In Christ,
Boyd Jordan