
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Running a Fever!

FEVER....Terry started running a fever last night and Alyce was up all night taking his temperature hoping it would come down. He had a fever this evening of 100.5 and that is the point that she has been told to call the doctor, not the nurse. It is hard to understand, because to you or me that seems like a very low fever and we could just take a couple of tylenol or ibuprophen and feel better quickly. But this is not the case with a Bone Marrow Transplant patient. He cannot take any of those type drugs because they CAN mask a fever and a fever indicates a problem. Our biggest fear would be the Graft vs. Host disease. Please pray that this is not that or anything serious. He will see the doctor in the morning and I will report to you tomorrow evening what they find. Thank you for your continued concern and prayers. Karen

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