
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Good News!!

GOOD NEWS!!! Since they didn't have to go to UAB Thursday, Terry and Alyce got to sleep later than usual. That was a treat since it was the first day in months that he was not in or going to the hospital. Friday he went back and they gave him some Magnesium but all his blood levels are looking great. More Good News!!! They did not have to go to UAB today or tomorrow!! Alyce is giving him his antibiotic at home and he is sitting in his recliner and controlling the remote (as most men do.) He is still having some shoulder pain but is rubbing some cream on it that seems to help. Hopefully it will continue getting better every day. Kristina got accepted a couple of weeks ago to Nursing School at Shelton State and then Thursday she got a letter from University of Ala saying she was accepted there also. She made the smart decision to continue at the U of A where she can also get a BS degree in Nursing. She will be leaving tomorrow to do a mini course for the remainder of the summer to get off a history class that she needs before starting Nursing classes in the Fall. We are so proud of her and know that she will do well.

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