
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fish Breath

I guess that is what Terry had today. Ha! Ha! Alyce said he was hungry for fish today so she drove to Captain D's and got him some fish. She said he ate 2 pieces with that stinky malt vinegar on it. He had eaten a waffle and several other things today too. Thank goodness his appetite is getting better. He continues to feel better every day. Since he has had a couple of days off, he is dreading going to UAB tomorrow to get "stuck." The nurse told us before we ever started the Bone Marrow Transplant that he would get VERY tired of this, but it is just part of the process of getting and staying in remission. We praise God for every little step of progress that he makes. They had to go to the house in Tarrant today to sign papers to list the house for sale. If you know anyone interested, please let them know. Mom's leg is much better although the bedsore on her heel is still large and black. They may move her to the 6th floor tomorrow to further evaluate her dementia and the best treatment for that. I talked with the Hospice people at the hospital but then the social worker called and said that she had found out that Trussville Nursing Home only allowed Aseracare Hospice into their facility. I called them to see what kind of help they could give and found out that the same doctor who comes to the Nursing Home 2 times a week (125 patients??) is also the medical Director for this Hospice group. That seems like a big conflict of interest to me. I am very concerned about having to put her back in this facility but they have me backed into a corner. Only 1 other home in our area would take her and they do not have proper security for dementia patients or any kind of a courtyard like the present one. We need an advocate for the elderly and the terrible situation our health care system is in. I don't want to be too ugly to the people at the nursing home or threaten a lawsuit or to report them to a higher authority for fear they will mistreat Mom when I am not there. Two and a half weeks in the nursing home and their lack of care put her in the hospital. That is just apalling to me. Those of you who know me, know that I am usually slow to anger but when I saw that they had not changed her bandages in 4 days and her bed was soaked under that leg and then the bed sore and fever, I was furious. Thank you for your continued prayers for Terry and for Mom. May God bless you, Karen

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