
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Best Night's Sleep in a LONG Time

Have you ever been on a long vacation and when you got home you just could not wait to get into your own bed? We forget about the many comforts of home but I can tell you that Terry was sooooo glad to get home to his own bed. Alyce said they slept better than either of them have in 4 1/2 weeks. He had to go to the doctor's office today to get an immunity boost shot and will have to go back Wednesday and Thursday for the same. Also on Thursday they will do another bone marrow test and other tests just to see where they are in the process of recovery. When I talked with Alyce they were in the car and about to drive through Wendy's for a Bacon Swiss Mushroom Burger. YUMMY! I think it is lunch time!! I'll put another post up after he goes for the tests on Thursday. Love to all.--------Karen

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