Friday, December 21, 2007
Christmas at BMT Unit
I hope you read Karen's message from yesterday, it is so great! We went to the Bone Marrow unit's Christmas party today and what a reunion of some of the people we met and became somewhat close to while we were in the unit ourselves. Its one big family! Dr. Vaughan, the big man around campus, was a nervous wreck making sure everyone that was supposed to had a mask on. Terry was one of the lucky ones, he is 200 days out from transplant so he did not have to put one on! The lady that was two doors down from us was there, she is from a little town near Columbus, Georgia. She has had two transplants. She really looked good and was in such good spirits since the last time I saw her which was when we left the hospital, she was still there and could hardly walk. Today she was walking on her own and was so happy to see Terry! We cheered her on as we walked the unit's halls everyday. All the nurses were so happy to hear Terry and John sing! They sang three Christmas songs and then jammed a little after that. They made our picture with Santa and gave us presents. We could not believe it! We should be giving them presents! Terry had his picture taken with all the nurses and two of the doctors, Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Ashraf, he is the one who told us that the leukemia was really a bad one and showed us the chromosome chart with the mutated #6 chromosome. He is really very nice! He also had his picture taken with Dr. Belham, who was only a fellow when we were in there and he is the one Terry called a "smart butt"! He remembered that and admitted he is a smart butt! We had a great time! I am so glad God made them so smart to figure all that out and are saving so many lives! God Bless Them! Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas! Love to you all! Alyce
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Miracle of Hope
This is Karen. This email was sent to me at work today by my brother-in-law, Ron Bradshaw. I cried when reading it and you will see why. It is worth reading to the end. .............................................................................. Okay, I got to be Santa at UAB hospital on the childrens cancer ward a few years back when Kaye was in charge of the clown corp. I vividly recall holding those little kids in my lap and talking with them. I recall wondering if my tears would show up in the B'ham News photo the next day. I understand how this fellow felt. I'm even having a difficult time typing it now. It just helps me to be reminded that the Christmas season is not about stuff, but about the people you love. Pull out the tissue and enjoy the story.
Three years ago, a little boy and his grandmother came to see Santa at
Mayfair Mall in Wisconsin. The child climbed up on his lap, holding a
picture of a little girl.
"Who is this?" asked Santa, smiling. "Your friend? Your sister?"
"Yes, Santa," he replied. "My sister, Sarah, who is very sick," he said
Santa glanced over at the grandmother who was waiting nearby, and saw her
dabbing her eyes with a tissue.
"She wanted to come with me to see you, oh, so very much, Santa!" the child
exclaimed. "She misses you," he added softly.
Santa tried to be cheerful and encouraged a smile to the boy's face, asking
him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas.
When they finished their visit, the Grandmother came over to help the child
off his lap, and started to say something to Santa, but halted.
"What is it?" Santa asked warmly.
"Well, I know it's really too much to ask you, Santa, but ..." the old woman
began, shooing her grandson over to one of Santa's elves to collect the
little gift which Santa gave all his young visitors.
"...The girl in the photograph .. My granddaughter . Well, you see ... She
has leukemia and isn't expected to make it even through the holidays," she
said through tear-filled eyes. "Is there any way, Santa . Any possible way
that you could come see Sarah? That's all she's asked for, for Christmas, is
to see Santa."
Santa blinked and swallowed hard and told the woman to leave information
with his elves as to where Sarah was, and he would see what he could do.
Santa thought of little else the rest of that afternoon. He knew what he had
to do.
"What if it were MY child lying in that hospital bed, dying," he thought
with a sinking heart, "this is the least I can do."
When Santa finished visiting with all the boys and girls that evening, he
retrieved from his helper the name of the hospital where Sarah was staying.
He asked the assistant location manager how to get to Children's Hospital.
"Why?" Rick asked, with a puzzled look on his face.
Santa relayed to him the conversation with Sarah's grandmother earlier that
"C'mon .... I'll take you there," Rick said softly.
Rick drove them to the hospital and came inside with Santa. They found out
which room Sarah was in. A pale Rick said he would wait out in the hall.
Santa quietly peeked into the room through the half-closed door and saw
little Sarah on the bed.
The room was full of what appeared to be her family; there was the
Grandmother and the girl's brother he had met earlier that day. A woman whom
he guessed was Sarah's mother stood by the bed, gently pushing Sarah's thin
hair off her forehead. And another woman who he discovered later was Sarah's
aunt, sat in a chair near the bed with weary, sad look on her face. They
were talking quietly, and Santa could sense the warmth and closeness of the
family, and their love and concern for Sarah.
Taking a deep breath, and forcing a smile on his face, Santa entered the
room, bellowing a hearty, "Ho, ho, ho!"
"Santa!" shrieked little Sarah weakly, as she tried to escape her bed to run
to him, IV tubes intact.
Santa rushed to her side and gave her a warm hug. A child the tender age of
his own son -- 9 years old -- gazed up at him with wonder and excitement.
Her skin was pale and her short tresses bore telltale bald patches from the
effects of chemotherapy. But all he saw when he looked at her was a pair of
huge, blue eyes. His heart melted, and he ad to force himself to choke back
tears. Though his eyes were riveted upon Sarah's face, he could hear the
gasps and quiet sobbing of the women in the room.
As he and Sarah began talking, the family crept quietly to the bedside one
by one, squeezing Santa's shoulder or his hand gratefully, whispering "thank
you" as they gazed sincerely at him with shining eyes.
Santa and Sarah talked and talked, and she told him excitedly all the toys
she wanted for Christmas, assuring him she'd been a very good girl that
As their time together dwindled, Santa felt led in his spirit to pray for
Sarah, and asked for permission from the girl's mother. She nodded in
agreement and the entire family circled around Sarah's bed, holding hands.
Santa looked intensely at Sarah and asked her if she believed in angels.
"Oh, yes, Santa ... I do!" she exclaimed.
"Well, I'm going to ask that angels watch over you," he said.
Laying one hand on the child's head, Santa closed his eyes and prayed. He
asked that God touch little Sarah, and heal her body from this disease. He
asked that angels minister to her, watch and keep her. And when he finished
praying, still with eyes closed, he started singing softly,
"Silent Night, Holy Night ... all is calm, all is bright."
The family joined in, still holding hands, smiling at Sarah, and crying
tears of hope, tears of joy for this moment, as Sarah beamed at them all.
When the song ended, Santa sat on the side of the bed again and held Sarah's
frail, small hands in his own.
"Now, Sarah," he said authoritatively, "you have a job to do, and that is to
concentrate on getting well. I want you to have fun playing with your
friends this summer, and I expect to see you at my house at Mayfair Mall
this time next year!"
He knew it was risky proclaiming that, to this little girl who had terminal
cancer, but he "had" to. He had to give her the greatest gift he could --
not dolls or games or toys -- but the gift of HOPE.
"Yes, Santa!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes bright.
He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and left the room.
Out in the hall, the minute Santa's eyes met Rick's, a look passed between
them and they wept unashamed.
Sarah's mother and grandmother slipped out of the room quickly and rushed to
Santa's side to thank him.
"My only child is the same age as Sarah," he explained quietly. "This is the
least I could do."
They nodded with understanding and hugged him.
One year later, Santa Mark was again back on the set in Milwaukee for his
six-week, seasonal job which he so loves to do. Several weeks went by and
then one day a child came up to sit on his lap.
"Hi, Santa! Remember me?!"
"Of course, I do," Santa proclaimed (as he always does), smiling down at
her. After all, the secret to being a "good" Santa is to always make each
child feel as if they are the "only" child in the world at that moment.
"You came to see me in the hospital last year!"
Santa's jaw dropped. Tears immediately sprang in his eyes, and he grabbed
this little miracle and held her to his chest.
"Sarah!" he exclaimed.
He scarcely recognized her, for her hair was long and silky and her cheeks
were rosy -- much different from the little girl he had visited just a year
He looked over and saw Sarah's mother and grandmother in the sidelines
smiling and waving and wiping their eyes.
That was the best Christmas ever for Santa Claus. He had witnessed -- and
been blessed to be instrumental in bringing about -- this miracle of hope.
This precious little child was healed. Cancer-free. Alive and well. He
silently looked up to Heaven and humbly whispered,
"Thank you, Father. 'Tis a very, Merry Christmas!"
-- Author Unknown
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Celebration for The Family
We have celebrated all week our GREAT news! We went to dinner Friday night with close friends and talked about the times we've had and times we are going to have, especially fishing between Terry and Mike! Saturday was exhausting after Kristina and I shopped all day(8 hours)with more family! Sunday was a great day with a church
service that touched all of us, we had just been talking about our blessings from God and Jerry made it so special. I heard we missed the announcement he made about Terry, we hate we missed it, but Butch said it was very touching and we thank all of our church family for staying with us through this whole thing and the prayers they have sent up for all of us! So many churches have prayed for us and we love you all and thank you for your love and support we have had through our journey with cancer. We all went and ate at Logan's Steakhouse after church and when I say all of us, that is what I mean! Karen, Rick, Tracy, Daniel, Grant, Seth, Sherry, Pete, Logan, Madison, Micheal and us, it made 16 of us! We then went to the nursing home afterwards for a Christmas party and it was great! Complete with carolers! Karen fixed Ruth so pretty as she can do so well and she seemed fine other than they had given her more meds for pain and she was very sleepy. Tara and Morgan joined us there and Ruth was so excited about seeing her great-grandchildren. She seemed to know them more today than on Thanksgiving. Rick is doing so well he has worked two days last week and sounds like he is planning on working this week, but only half days. He sent me an email about little Chloe that just was so sad, sweet and can only imagine how Chris and Danielle will get through this Christmas. Bless them both and the whole family! We all are very grateful you have hung in here with us for so long, almost a year! God is watching over all of us! Hug your loved ones as much as you can, you never know what tomorrow may bring! Love to all! Alyce
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
God's Gift to Us All
We have had the best day ever! We met with the doctor and she told us that he is clear and there are NO signs of leukemia and he is 100% his sister. That means he is developing her immune system. I thank God for her every day! They let us come off the immune suppression meds 75 mg more, so he is only taking 150 mg on odd days. He is in total remission and does not have to have another bone marrow test until May! He is SOOOOOO happy! We just thank our God that he has given us more time with Terry! Especially Kristina and John! Thank you all for all your prayers! God truly has listened! I talked with Karen this afternoon and she said Granny called her by her name and told her Terry had not been to see her in 2 months. Of course, that is not true! We are going this Sunday to a Christmas party they are having for them at the nursing home. From what Karen said, she sounded that she was doing good that day except they had given her heavy meds for pain. Rick is doing better and better every day. He was "released" from the doctor yesterday and he went to work for a half day today. Men just won't listen! I know he wants out of the house but don't push it Rick! I am so thankful they found all that disease in his arteries before something REALLY BAD happened! Thank you all for hanging in there with us! We love you all and hopefully soon we can have a celebration and Terry can sing to us all! God Bless You!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Waiting Is the Hardest Part
I am so sorry I have been neglecting his blog! Now that we are trying to work some finding time is hard, but I will make time! Karen did so much better! Well, we did not get the test done on the day it was supposed to be, but had it done the next day so that means everything will be one day later. We are going this Wednesday to get all the results from the tests they did on him last week. He is really worried I can tell, but I told him its all in God's hands and we have to believe that! We went to his company's Christmas party last Saturday and I did not know how great his employees really are until his sickness. We have so much support from everyone at SCS. Thank you to you all!!! He got a new truck and is so proud to be able to drive it and work with his salesmen every day. John got a new truck too, with a payment of course! We just are SO glad he is here with us! I talked with Karen tonight and Granny is not doing so well. It just breaks my heart to know she will not ever be the same as we all knew her! Terry heard me talking to her and it really upset him! He feels so helpless and everyone that has known him before knows he was NEVER helpless! Rick is doing so good, they went to the doctor and he got a good report and hopefully when they see the surgeon tomorrow he will release him to drive and go to work part-time! I know he is glad all the hard part is over and he will soon be back to "normal" but better now that he has better circulation through his heart.
I will let you all know how the tests come out on Thursday! Love to you all! Alyce
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Things Are Looking Great!
We went to the BMT Unit on Wednesday and got a good report. They let him come on down on the dosage of the immune suppression meds, so hopefully he will feel even better next week. This medicine can make you feel bad and he said since he has been coming off of it he does feel better every time he is able to decrease it. He will have a bone marrow test this Tuesday to make sure the leukemia is still in remission and I know it is, he will not have to have another one until around May 26th, his 1 year from transplant date and 2nd birthday! Just say a little prayer for us on Monday! We are thankful AGAIN for something else, John totaled his truck this afternoon, but he is OK and did not involve another vehicle. He will be buying himself a truck so next time you see him give him a hug, we are just so thankful he was not hurt and by looking at his truck he is VERY lucky to be here with us!!! God is watching over us, I know it!! Rick continues to recover at home and is doing good but I know the 4 walls are closing in on him. Hopefully soon he will be able to get out and take his grandchildren to see Santa Claus! Thank you all for hanging in here with us! I will let you know the results of the test when we get them. The waiting is the hardest part! Love to all! Alyce
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Great Thanksgiving
Every year is special, but this year was SOOOOO special! We had a great day! Karen and Rick "Thank you for opening up your house for all of us!" Everyone was there in our immediate family! We took a group picture on Rick and Karen's front steps and hopefully soon I can get that on here! Ruth did real good, better than expected. She had her moments, but doesn't everyone! Thanks to Butch and Micheal for getting her there. Rick is recovering really well! He looked great! He said he had not eaten that much in a long time. I think we all ate too much, but it was so good we could not help ourselves! Terry ate everything on his plate and helped me finish my desert! He weighs more today than I have ever seen him. I can almost call him fat, for Terry anyway! We will go to the BMT unit on Wednesday and see the doctor and hopefully he will let him come down on the immune suppression meds again!
We are slowly coming off of them! We are so thankful that God has put his hands on this family and blessed us! We hope all the family will forgive us for not coming and hope next year everyone will be well and it will be even a greater reunion. We heard Matt was there, we love you Matt and are so greatful to God for taking care of you! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Kiss and hug your loved ones, you never know what tomorrow may bring! Love you all! Alyce
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Thanksgiving to remember
All went well in the doctor's office this week. Not going to have to have surgery! All the doctor's seem to think when he does come off the immune suppression meds in January, this will go away in time. We were supposed to go to a surprise party for David Hill,"Happy Birthday David!!" last night but he just wasn't up to it. We spent 6 hours waiting to see two doctors and were exhausted. He came home and got his feet up so the swelling would go down, they were SO swollen! He has gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks! He weighs the most I have ever seen since I have known him. We all will celebrate Thanksgiving this week and we have SO much to be thankful for!!! This last year has been a hard one but one that I am so grateful to God and to all of you for being with us through it all! Everything matters so much more now to the four of us! HE has opened our eyes! Rick is feeling so much better! I talked with him on Thursday night and he said every day was getting better and better! We will not be going to our family reunion this year, to all of the family we are sorry! Due to Terry, Rick's surgery and trying to get Ruth to Karen's is going to be enough on all of us!We will miss you! My Dad is having back surgery this Tuesday also! So much going on!
I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and don't eat too much, save some room for Christmas goodies! Love to all of you! Alyce
Saturday, November 10, 2007
A Week of Doctor's Visits
We will be at UAB most of the week this week. We saw the urologists Friday and are going to have to make some decisions that we really did not think we would have to face at this point in our life! But its better than facing luekemia! We see the urologists again on Monday, then on Wednesday we see the BMT doctor(a regular visit)and on Friday we see the neurologists to talk about the nerve problems he is having in his feet and legs. He is numb in the last three toes on each foot and they hurt and burn when he is on them for a long time. They did some tests last week to have at the neurologist when we see him. Hopefully he can explain some of the things that are going on! Hopefully when he gets off the immune suppression meds in January this will all go away! We celebrated his 49th birthday this past Thursday, thank you to SCS employees for the beautiful cake! It was good! He was very surprised! I just thank God for letting him be here to celebrate it!
Rick is at home now and is doing pretty good. Still some back pain and can't get comfortable. You men out there don't get offended when I say this, but men are babies when it comes to pain! Good thing God made women for birthing babies!!! Karen is patiently taking care of him and God is giving her the patience she needs! I know this too! God is giving me patience too!
We love all of you for hanging in here with us and soon hope to say Terry is cured. We will have another bone marrow test on Dec. 4th to see! Prayer is still needed!!!!
God is good and has blessed us through this whole thing! God Bless All of You!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Rick's surgery a success!
Rick came through the surgery with flying colors! Five by-passes he had done. He will be around for a long time since they cleaned him out so good! He looked so good when we saw him in intensive care yesterday. He has some severe back pain so he is a little uncomfortable right now. I understand he had a few visitors today so I am sure he's tired. A few more days and he will be better! We know how time can heal, but its the waiting that kills you!
Butch and Jackie went to see Ruth on Sunday afternoon and they said she was doing good. We are going to Karen's for Thanksgiving and plan on getting Ruth there to be with everyone. Todd and his famly are coming from Idaho for 9 days and will be here for Thanksgiving so everyone will be together again! It will be fun and we have SOOOOOOOO much to be thankful for!
Terry is not drinking enough water so I have to stay on him. If you see him ask him if he has had any water lately! He will know I put you up to it, but he doesn't read this so he won't know I told you! HA!HA!His feet hurt when has been on them for a long period of time, we hope this goes away in time. But overall he is doing very well for someone that has been through what he went through! God is watching over us and has blessed us so much! Thanks for hanging in there with us! God Bless You!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Alyce takes over
Hey everyone! I am taking this over for a short time while Karen is taking care of Rick. She needs the rest, don't you think? She has really been through alot in the last year and now the love of her life is the one who needs our prayers. Believe me I know the feeling! God's gonna take take good care of him, he's not through with Rick yet. He has alot more of God's work to do yet on this earth, I know this by knowing Rick personally. We all had lunch together today after church. It was great being together with all of them! Terry is doing good. We don't have to go to the doctor until Friday, we see the urologist and hopefully get some good results. He has worked most days, it does him good to get out and see all his employees and customers. I just rely on God to put a sheild around him and protect him from all the flu and other stuff that is out there and could put him in the hospital. So if you see him coming and you are sick, please tell him and wave at him instead. I will keep you posted on Rick and Granny. I can't promise the good job that Karen has done since last January. She is a MUCH better writer than I. Everyone pray for our family and especially Rick as he faces this surgery! God Bless You! Alyce
Friday, November 2, 2007
Couldn't Resist
A friend sent me a poem set to music that was just what I needed today. I think it is a God thing. There is a song we sing sometimes "My Jesus Knows Just What I Need" and it is true. I'd like to share the poem with you. This is the web address: It's 8:30pm and I'm still at work trying to get my desk in order so I can be off during Rick's surgery. Love, Karen
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Hope you didn't get too spooked today. Terry and Alyce went back to the hospital today for more tests. Today they determined that Terry has no sensation in most of his toes. He is also still having some bladder problems. He is scheduled to do more Neurological tests soon. These problems are probably caused as a result of the extreme Chemo and possibly the cyclosporin that he has been on for so long. Please pray that they can stop and reverse these problems. Speaking of problems, I am sorry I have been slack in writing the blog lately but I have had a few problems lately too. I am enclosing an email from my daughter, Traci, who has been a kindergarten teacher in Trussville for 10 years. She is taking off this year to spend time with my 2 precious grandsons, Seth age 4 and Grant age 2. Her email (written to her friends and copied to me) will explain a little of what is going on...............Hi everyone. I wanted to update you on what has been going on in my family life and ask for your prayers. My Dad, Rick Bradshaw, is having quadruple (at least..maybe more/less doctors say) bypass surgery Monday, November 5 at 9 AM. He went in for a regular physical and they noticed an abnormality in his stress test. He has had no symptoms. They did a heart cath on him Monday and found that of the 3 main arteries there was a 90% blockage in one and 80 % blockage in the other two. His doctors discussed his options, got second opinions and decided instead of stints to go ahead with the open heart surgery. This was not what we really wanted to hear. The doctor is releasing him to go home today. (Tues.) He was asked to do nothing more than lift the remote over the weekend. My parents were planning on taking the grandkids to Disney on Ice this Thursday. The doctor told him he could still go i f he feels up to it! (I guess he didn't think a 60 year old man would get too worked up over Nemo! Ha!) Needless to say, we need your prayers. This year has been full of trials for my family. We have had my uncle Terry's luekemia, mom's bone marrow transplant for my uncle, my grandmother's multiple hospital stays and finally in the nursing home, baby Chloe killed by a drunk driver, Kayla's murder, and now dad's surgery all since January. My mom has really been through it this year worrying about her brother's leukemia (which is in FULL REMISSION- praise God!), being my grandmother's primary caregiver, as well as trying to work full time. Please not only pray for my dad but for my mom as well. I know God is in control and he will bring us through this. Thank you all for being my support this year! Love you all! I'll keep you updated Monday! -Traci Walter............Please pray for my husband, Rick, and for all of our family. ...........Bible verse for the week---Rom. 8:28---For all things work together for good to those who love the Lord........Because I will be tied up so much taking care of Rick and trying to work when I can, Alyce has agreed to take over writing the blog for a while. She will do a good job because she lives with Terry every day. Our family is so blessed that Terry found and married such a wonderful woman. ...........She and I have decided that when we have time, we are going to have a nervous breakdown, or maybe run away to an exotic island. In the meantime, we take 1 day at a time and do whatever we have to do. God is good and will not forsake us. Remember, I love you all....and I'll be back!! Hugs and kisses, Karen
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Bad Week
Terry had such a good week last week, but this has been a really bad week for him. He has not felt like working this week. He and Alyce went back to the BMTU at UAB today at 9am and did not leave until 3:45pm. He was dehydrated and his blood pressure was low. 82/58 and heart rate was 46. By the time they left it was 118/67 and his heart rate went to 108. They would not let him leave until they got it back down to 96. They go to the eye doctor on Friday to get his eyes checked. He is also still experiencing pain in his legs and feet. I've been praying for him to get better and back to a more normal life. I know it will happen but it just takes time. We had a discussion in our church family group last Sunday night about prayer. I strongly believe that if you do not have faith that God can deliver what you ask for then you might as well not pray. He might not give you what you ask for but if you don't believe that he COULD then why pray. Our prayers have asked God to put Terry into remission and God answered in the affirmative. Now let's pray that his health will get better and all pain subside to allow him to live a normal life again. One day at a time and he will get better. Mom has been in a lot of pain because they have debrided the dead tissue from the bed sore on her heal. The doctor did increase her pain medications and she is on an antibiotic. Her dementia continues to get worse. I was there Tuesday night and will go back tomorrow night.
Love to you all, Karen
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Kayla's Day

Monday, October 8, 2007
Monday Again
Today was a typical Monday. Busy, busy, busy! I had a shocking call this morning telling me that Kayla Fanaiea had been murdered. She was the 1st cousin and very best friend of our niece, Danielle. We got to know Kayla when we went to Pensacola just after the tragic accident that killed baby Chloe. She did not leave Danielle's side for a couple of weeks and still remained close almost daily. She and Danielle were waiting table sometime at Kayla's Dad's restaurant on Morris Avenue. She was so sweet and such a beautiful young lady and only 20 years old. We are grieved at her death but get comfort in knowing that she is now taking good care of Chloe for Danielle and Chris. Please pray for Danielle and Kayla's family. We hope the police will find her killer and prosecute him to the full extent of the law. The trial for Chloe will begin in November in Pensacola. Terry felt pretty good Saturday and watched football all day. They went to church Sunday and out to eat and he began to get tired. He also started experiencing some nausea. He went in to work a little while this morning but went home to rest after lunch. He just does not need to push himself too hard until his energy has returned and his pain subsides. Alyce talked with the nurse at UAB today and she said he needed to drink more liquids.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Good Saturday
When both teams win and you get to see 3 of your grandchildren, it is always a good day. Terry and Alyce were planning to stay close to home and watch the games at home. I had to get up at 5:30am to get ready and meet my daughter Tara and granddaughter Morgan at 7am. We went to Tuscaloosa to watch the parade. We had fun walking and looking at all the stuff the vendors were selling. We had walked about 8 blocks and were looking for a spot to stand to wait on the parade and I happened to see my older brother, Butch with wife Jackie and their daughter Sherri her husband Pete and kids Madison and Logan. We did not know they were even going and they did not know we would be there either. I also saw co-workers Jim and Carl and got to eat lunch with Carl's sweet family at his beautiful daughter's sorority house. I also ran into church friends and cousin Mike Spiller. We bought a few things and decided to head home where Rick had a houseful of relatives watching the game with him. My test from Friday turned out fine. However, my cholesteral level was 307. The doctor started me on Lipitor and a drug for the Neuropathy I am experiencing in my legs and feet. Terry goes back to the BMTU in 2 weeks.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Birthday Girl
Yesterday was Kristina's 22nd Birthday!! Terry and Alyce drove down to Tuscaloosa to be with her and take her out to eat. It seems like yesterday she was just a little baby. Prettiest baby you have ever seen and she is now a beautiful young woman. The best thing is, she is just as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside. Like Mom used to say, "pretty is as pretty does." Today they had to go back to UAB to the BMTU for a Spinal Tap. The MRI from last week showed that the nerve endings were swollen but the spinal fluid today was completely clear. That is good news but something has gotten his nerve endings swollen so they are going to send him to a Neurologist. The doctor decreased the cyclosporin again. When they wean him off of this, he will regain an immune system. I go for more testing at 8am tomorrow morning. Rick and I went up to see Mom tonight.
Monday, October 1, 2007
New Update
This is an update sent to me today from Alyce......We spent most of the day at the doctor Thursday. He had 2 MRI's-took 2 hours! They drew blood before we went for them and afterwards they decided to do a B-12 level and rheumatoid arthritis tests. They went through alot of scenarios of what might be causing the tingling and numbness in his toes and wrists and places on his arms. He even said maybe it was a form of the graph VS host disease. He said something about seeing a neurologists after they got the results back from the MRI's. He made Terry take his shoes and socks off and close his eyes and he moved his toes around to see if he could feel it and he could, so I guess that is a good sign. His feet are still swelling. We mostly just stayed around the house all weekend. We went to church and when we got home they were swollen so he stayed off of them most of the day.......This is from me:... I had tests Friday and had to go in fasting. They did Ultrasounds and a complete Cardiac stress workup. I was there from 8am to 5:15pm with only a pack of peanut butter crackers and a diet coke about 2pm. The doctor said they did find some abnormalities and I have to go to Radiology this Friday morning for more tests. They also did a rheumatoid arthritis blood test on me. This is really strange because I did not even know that Terry had gone to the doctor until today. I am also experiencing pain, tingling and burning in my feet but no swelling. I guess we really are twins now, but I have a good immune system and Terry is still waiting for his to develop better. .... I saw Mom on Saturday and again this afternoon to take her clean laundry. She was about the same. Please pray for Terry's tests to turn out good and also for mine on Friday. God bless you, Karen
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Life Returns to Almost Normal
On Monday, Terry and Alyce both went to WORK. On Tuesday, he went to Montgomery with his partners to see the new store that SCS is opening. By Tuesday night, his feet were swollen and he did not sleep well at all. Alyce said she was letting him sleep late this morning. They were going tonight to celebrate her Mom's birthday. I won't tell you how old she is, but believe me you would never guess because she looks so much younger. Happy Birthday, Gloria, and we wish you many more!! We love you, Karen
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Family Birthday Party



Thursday, September 20, 2007
It's Off To Work We Go!!
Last Sunday, Terry and family went to church together for the first time in a very long time. They went in late to avoid the handshakes and crowd in the hallway and sat in the balcony and then left before the final announcements. At least they got to go. On Tuesday, he had lunch with his SCS partners and then rode with the salesman who took over Terry's clients to a couple of job sites. I heard that all work stopped when they saw him so they could come over to hug him and tell him how much they have missed him. Getting to go to "WORK" was such a wonderful treat for Terry. He will be so happy when he is able to do that every day. Alyce even got to go to her office too. Then on Wednesday, because of some problems with his kidneys, he had to go back to the doctor and then to have more blood work done. He is OK for now, just uncomfortable at times. Little set-backs are definitely downers!! He and Alyce and John went up to Cook Springs to see Mom today and then I went to see her when I got off work. Today would have been Mom and Dad's 66th wedding anniversary. While I was at the nursing home, Rick called to tell me that our newest grandson had been born. His name is Dylan Matthew Bradshaw and he weighed 8lbs. 9oz. and is 21 inches long. He was born around 4pm in Idaho to our son, Todd and his wife Rebecca and brother Caleb age 3. They used a mid-wife and drove about an hour to her clinic. He was born under water. That sounds a little strange to us in Alabama but I hear it is actually a wonderful experience for Mother and baby. I just wish it was not so far away. We probably will not get to see them until Thanksgiving or Christmas. We are thankful that God has again answered our prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby. We are so blessed.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Best News Yet!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Light the Walk
Sorry I forgot to remind you that tonight was the Light the Walk at the Hoover Met to raise awareness and money for Leukemia and Lymphoma and any blood cancers. I donned my tennis shoes and my Bone Marrow Donor shirt and left home about 5:20pm. It rained so hard traveling on I459 that I could barely see at times. When I got past the Galleria, it suddenly stopped and did not begin to rain at the Met until about 7pm. Alyce, John, Susan, Randy, Randi Lynn, Noah and I were there to walk for Terry. Terry was there but after about an hour went to sit in the truck. It got a little windy and he did not need to get chilled or wet. We saw Dr. John, nurses Wendy and Diana from the UAB BMTU there also. There were a number of other Survivors and many supporters on hand for the event covered by channel 42 News. There was free BBQ and other food, games for children and a live band playing Beetles music. We got balloons that light up and a banner for our group. Terry and Alyce go to UAB tomorrow at 9am for the results of last week's tests. Please pray for encouraging news and strength for Terry. I will try to get Rick to help me post a few pictures tomorrow night that I took at the Met. It was wonderful to see Terry's smiling face. Even though he was not feeling very well, he still smiled. Be sure to log in Saturday for test results and pictures I will post Friday night. Have a "Fun Day - Friday" and please drive carefully in these "showers of blessings."
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Anxiously Waiting
Still no word from the tests from last week. As we are ANXIOUSLY waiting.....I found a few scriptures to help. Prov. 12:25 An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up. Phil. 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. *** Isn't God awesome? He has the best advice for our lives, if we would just listen.*** Mom ate well tonight and was in a pleasant mood. Terry, hang in there!!! I'm expecting good news!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Monday Again !!
Well, I live for the weekends. We had a great but busy weekend chocked full of football and 2 precious grandsons that spent the night Saturday. They are 2 and 4 and think Nana and Pop are so much fun, so we just eat it up while we can. We realize that it won't be long until they will outgrow us and their schedules will be too busy to include us "old folks." I always dread Monday mornings but if you are like us you know the little ditty "I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go." It does help to have a job that you enjoy and I feel very blessed in that category. I realize it could be much worse. Mom is about the same. She was sleeping Sunday when we went to see her and just could not wake up enough to talk. I'll go back tomorrow. Not much news with Terry. I had a message from Alyce tonight that they will NOT be going to UAB tomorrow. The hospital had called and delayed it because they have still not gotten the results of all the tests they did last week. I am sure Terry is glad but anxious to hear GOOD news. I will keep you updated when we get more information. Since we survived Monday, the rest of the week will be a cinch!! Hugs to all, Karen
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Terry and Alyce were at UAB Tuesday and Wednesday. The Good.....the test on his lungs turned out good. The Bad....his blood pressure is very low and his heart rate is high. The Good....they decreased his Cyclosporin dosage from 400mg to 300mg. The Bad....his bladder is not emptying completely so they put him on a drug to help and he is feeling dizzy. He was also very dehydrated and had to stay from 9am to 4pm Wednesday getting the Bone Marrow Test and had to have 2 bags of fluid to help hydrate him. Results from the test will be given on Tuesday when they return to UAB. The Bad....Terry is feeling down, the Good....Alyce is such a good wife and nurse. The Ugly....Cancer of any kind. It is worse than any 4 letter word. It wrecks your life. It takes control of your body and tries to pull you to the depths of depression and anger. It has no compassion for the young or the old. It shows no sympathy for your family or financial situations. It is something we all silently dread but cannot imagine it actually ever happening to us. I'm sure everyone who has ever had it has thought "Why Me?" I wish I had the answers and the cure but I know that MY GOD will stand by us if we just reach out to Him. He has a plan for our life and even if we don't understand, we have to trust in his judgement. Please pray for good results from the Bone Marrow test and other tests they are doing on Terry. There is power in the prayers of believers. Call his prayer pager or drop him a card this week. He needs our encouragement. I went to see Mom this evening. She cried to come home and does not understand that she cannot walk or take care of herself. It is so emotionally draining to see her like this. Thank you for your prayers and concern. Love to you all, Karen
Monday, September 3, 2007
Happy Labor Day
It was nice having an extra day this weekend. Our weekend was packed full but was very enjoyable. We spent today with our girls and their families at Rick's sister's house. Her children, including our nephew, Chris and his wife Danielle who lost their baby girl, Chloe, in that tragic auto accident 2 months ago, were also there. It is still so hard for them to really enjoy any occasion. They try to act like they are having a good time but you can see in their eyes when they look at our little grandchildren that their hearts are aching for their own sweet angel that has left such a void in their life. Please pray for them. I went to see Mom on Saturday and again on Sunday. It seems her dementia is getting worse. Sunday evening, we got to see Terry and family and enjoy a great meal with them prepared by Alyce's sweet Mom. It was so good to see them because it had been so long. He was going fishing for a few hours early this morning before it got too hot. They go to UAB for some tests on Tuesday and then back on Wednesday for the Bone Marrow Test. He is still not feeling very well and has no energy. We are hoping and praying for good results from the tests this week. May God bless you with happiness today.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
100th Day
Today marks the 100th Day since the transplant. Yahoo!! wish we could throw a party but Terry still has to stay pretty much isolated or keep his mask on. Terry and Alyce had a great anniversary. They had a big suite at RossBridge with room service. It was really a treat since they have not been able to go anywhere in such a long time. They went straight to UAB this morning and the nurses took several vials of blood. He will have to go later in the week for an EKG, etc. and next Tuesday will have another of those dreaded Bone Marrow Tests. Terry is like me and has chronic sinusitis. He told the doctor he could sleep better if he could breathe out his nose. The doctor finally ok'd for him to use Afrin nasal spray. I have to use it every night so I know how he feels. Mom was a bit agitated over the weekend so the nursing home added another medication. She was in a lot of pain and complaining loudly so they called me at 4am Monday morning. They transported her by ambulance to Trinity ER so I had to go meet them. Nothing really wrong except the skin graft area hurting badly. They gave her a couple of shots and sent her back about 9am. I went straight to work from there. I hope they can get her meds adjusted to keep her out of so much pain but not make her sleep all the time. Love, Karen
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mom Transferred to Nursing Home
Tuesday, I left work about noon because the hospital decided to discharge Mom. I had already talked with Cook Springs Nursing Home and made arrangements for her a Rehab bed there. I packed up some of her things and picked up Aunt Mildred (Mom's spry 86 year old sister) and we got to Cook Springs a little before 2pm. It took forever to sign all the paperwork and get her stuff unloaded into her room but she did not arrive by ambulance until about 4pm. She was very upset and angry and said some things that she would not have said if she did not have dementia. She is in Room 102 of Cornerstone Rehab Unit. Got home about 7:30pm. She was doing better today and I will go back up to see her Thursday afternoon. Talked with Alyce and she and Terry went to the hospital again. His potassium was a little high but probably because they had increased the cyclosporin last week. His 100th day will be next Tuesday so they are having to schedule all the tests that he went through before the transplant took place. Then they will probably do another Bone Marrow test soon also. Everything is still looking good, just SLOW. Terry and Alyce have an anniversary coming up the 27th and plan to stay overnight at a fancy local hotel. Our anniversary is the 26th and we will be out of town a couple of days this weekend. Oh I'll let you in on a little secret; Alyce swears she saw a little peach fuzz growing on Terry's head this week. Hope you are having a blessed week. Love, Karen
Monday, August 20, 2007
Talked With Terry
I called and got to talk with Terry for a while yesterday. He is doing pretty good...just impatient that his energy is still so low and he has lost muscle tone and his taste buds are still messed up. I tried to encourage him by reminding him of how blessed we are that he has come this far and that things will return to some normalcy in time. He really misses his fast paced life and interaction with all of you. Thank you for still keeping in touch through the prayer pager, a card, a call or an email to I am sure that he fears that his life will never be "back" to where he desires it to be. He doesn't read the blog so I told him the Smiley face sticker story and it gave him a laugh. Mom's graft has done well but she is in a lot of pain and her dementia very bad at times and I have had to hire around the clock sitters. Last might was the first time I did not have someone staying overnight. I was there a couple of hours last night after church and she was very depressed and wishing she could die. It is very hard to see her like this. She will probably be released and will go to Cook Springs Nursing Home on Tuesday to a rehab bed. After the leg heals, we might move her closer. Right now, we do not have many choices available that will take her. Because I love her so much, there are days that I pray for God to just call her home. She has suffered enough but we do not make the decision about when we die. We have to leave that in God's hands. Your prayers continue to lift us up and keep us going on days that we feel depressed. May God bless us all with a good week. Love, Karen
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Good Report
Yesterday, Terry and Alyce had to return for a visit to UAB. The doctors examined him and did the normal blood work and said everything is looking good. Our goal is to get to Day 100 without developing the graft vs host disease. I think that Alyce said we have 2 more weeks from his new "Birthday" of May 26. They don't have to report back until next Tuesday. Mom came through the skin graft surgery fine. She was scheduled for 9:20am and they did not take her until about 2pm. They took the skin from the thigh of the leg with the wound. It is about 2 inches by 7 inches and is covered with a thin plastic tape. She was in a lot of pain and neither of us got much sleep until about 3am when I got the nurse to call the doctor. He let her give Mom a shot of demerol and phenergan and she was asleep in 10 minutes. I was exhausted so Sunny (relative and sitter from our church) came to relieve me about 2pm and I went home to get a nap. My daughter, Traci, relieved her about 9pm to stay the night. I felt like I needed to be at work today because a State of Alabama auditor is going to be there to start a Sales & Use tax audit. Sunny will be back about 8am and I will relieve her this afternoon. Mom's dementia is sometimes terrible and other times she makes perfect sense in her conversation. I'll bet I put her oxygen back in her nose at least 100 times last night. She just could not remember to keep it in and it made her nose itch. I just talked with Traci and she said she was restless last night and did not sleep more than 1 or 2 hours at a time until early this morning. Please continue to remember Mom (and all of us) in your prayers. Love, Karen
Monday, August 13, 2007
Mom's Surgery
I will be leaving shortly to go to the hospital to be with Mom. She is scheduled for skin graft surgery on the wound on her leg around 10 or 11am. Please pray for Dr. Bullock doing the surgery and for Mom that it will work and her leg will be healed. I have had to make sure this wound (originating from a brown recluse spider bite) was cleaned and bandaged daily for over 2 years. This could also give Mom better possibilities in Nursing Home choices. Some will not take a wound care patient that also has dementia. Terry is still doing well except for some shoulder pain. I have something really funny to share with you. Since yesterday was the first Sunday since we heard the wonderful news that Terry was in remission, I felt compelled to go down the aisle at church to ask for a prayer of Thanksgiving. Terry's name has been in our bulletin since this all began in January and his name has been lifted in prayer many times so I felt I needed to thank my brothers and sisters and God. Well, we usually sit near the back because we have 2 grandchildren that want to sit with us between Sunday School and Children's worship. Our little 2 year old Grant had gotten a big yellow smiley face with "GRANT" written on it in class. He cried because he did not want to go to Children's Church so Traci kept him in worship. He was sitting in Rick's lap and somehow as I was stepping past Rick to get to the aisle, his big yellow smiley face sticker got stuck on my butt. Yes, God does have a sense of humor. Hope this gives you a laugh!! Love to all, Karen
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Hallelujah Praise the Lord
I just had to send out a quick message to thank each of you for your continued prayers and concerns for Terry. The Lord has answered our prayers and he is now in REMISSION. The doctors were doing several special tests and cultures before giving us the wonderful news that NO cancer cells remain in his blood and bone marrow at this time. I talked with Terry and Alyce and we all were shedding tears of joy. It is such a relief to know that the near death experience of being so very sick has been worth it all. It will still take a while to rebuild his strength and immune system but he now has another chance at LIFE. I thank the doctors and nurses who have been so wonderful. I thank each of you for your support. And I thank God for healing my baby brother. God has blessed us. Love to all of you, Karen
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Hurry Up and Wait
Terry and Alyce went to the hospital on Tuesday but Dr. Vaughan was not there and they could not get the results of the Bone Marrow Test. They were told he would call them at home but as of Wednesday night, they still have not received a call. They did go to the dermatologist to get several of those places on his legs cut off. Alyce is being the nurse again and is cleaning the places with a vinegar mixture 2 or 3 times a day. It is very important not to let them get infected. We are hoping that "no news is good news." Today was the first time I had seen Mom's leg in over 2 weeks and it is looking so much better that at the wound care nurse's suggestion, I have decided to talk with the surgeon again and go ahead with a skin graft if he thinks that is best. I fed her lunch today but she was very sleepy from another change of medication. Rick and I went to the Trussville nursing home and removed all of her clothes and personal items Tuesday evening. I called them today and left a message that we would NOT be returning. Please pray for GOOD News for Terry and for Mom too. While you're praying, don't forget to pray for RAIN and cooler weather. God Bless you, Karen
Friday, August 3, 2007
Finally Friday
The hospital called Thursday afternoon and told Terry and Alyce to be at the hospital at 7:30am today for the Bone Marrow biopsy test. Thank goodness they sedated him partially because a very young female "fellow" doctor who must have been very inexperienced did the biopsy. Alyce watched and I think they should have given her the drugs from how she described the experience. Terry is still eating better and had regained 2 pounds. They received a call from the Dermatologist that they had seen at St. Vincents last week. Several of the small places on his legs that they biopsied showed "pre" cancer. He will go next week and the next to have those places taken off. Terry has been running a low grade fever for a couple of weeks but the doctors didn't seem alarmed unless it runs over 100. Over all, he is feeling so much better. We praise God for his improvements and are trying not to worry about the outcome of the test today. They don't have to go back to UAB until Tuesday and will probably not hear anything until then. When I talked to Alyce this afternoon, I told her Rick and I were going to the hospital to see Mom and then probably out to eat. She said "I will be soooooo glad when we can go out to eat again!!" and in the background, I heard Terry say yes, maybe to Ruth's Chris. Sounds great to me! I said maybe we can all go together soon. Mom was very alert but also very confused about some things. She asked " Is my furniture in Tarrant or Pell City?" I told her it was not at either, it was at her house in Irondale. She cannot remember her home in Irondale where she has lived for the past 6 years. We laughed and talked for over an hour but her leg was hurting badly so I asked the nurse to give her something for pain before we left. Thank you for your love and concern. We love you all, Karen
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Test Delayed
I talked with Alyce and Terry both this evening and found out that the Bone Marrow test has been put off until this Friday. The doctor took blood for testing on Monday and talked with them on the game plan if the 5% remaining cells are clear of cancer or if they have cancer in them. It is good to know that they have a plan and a backup plan. Since my stem cells were so slow in making the Transplant, I am hoping that the progression is just slow in completing the entire 100%. Please pray for good test results and that the test will not be too painful for Terry. Mom is still in Trinity room 623 but will probably be released the end of this week. I still have not decided if we should take her back to the Trussville nursing home or try to find another one. The hospital social worker is helping me inquire at other nursing homes but so far none of the ones near me have an opening. Her leg is better but she now has a UTI and they sent her for an Ultrasound on her kidneys today. No results yet. Her dementia is no better.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Almost There
Terry had to go back to UAB today and they told him he was a model patient. I told Kristina to tell him that it was just my good traits coming out in him since today they told him that blood work shows he is now 95% me.Ha!Ha! The goal is to have 100% my healthy stem cells and when completed he will have my exact DNA. I just hope when he gets better he doesn't turn to a life of crime and I get the jail time. Ha!Ha! The doctor plans to do another Bone Marrow biopsy test on Monday to determine what the 5% is doing. We are praying "no leukemia blasts" but if they are still hanging around, they will decrease his cyclosporin (anti-rejection drug)and let him get a tiny bit of graft vs host to help build up antibodies to fight off any remaining cancer cells. At least that is the way I understand it all. I really don't understand it very clearly, I just pray that God will continue to watch over Terry and guide the doctors to do all the right things to make him well again. His appetite is continuing to get better and he was feeling pretty good today. I miss seeing him as I know many of you do too. Mom is still in the hospital and was not feeling well today. They sent her to X-ray for her neck and shoulder pain. No fractures showed up, just arthritis. I did finally get to talk to her doctor and he thinks she is improving but he is still adjusting her dementia and pain medicines. She was pretty clear tonight but could not remember where she was or how long she had been there. It broke my heart when she cried because I had to leave. I promised I would be back tomorrow and I think that helped to ease her mind. She will probably be released by Tuesday. Thank you for your continued prayers. Love, Karen
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
You Did What? Fishing?
Well, you have probably heard this saying the same as I; "Sometimes it is easier to get forgiveness than permission." The nurse was checking Terry out Monday morning and he told her he had gone fishing. She said, "You did what?" A few minutes later she went out of the room and in walks Dr. Vaughan, who sternly wants all the details of the "fishy tale." He told Terry that he did not want any bad statistics on his record for his patients. Terry reassured him that he did not touch the lake water or the fish. However, he was a little dehydrated and had to get a bag of fluids. Dr. Vaughan did not tell him he could not do it again, but said if you get out again go early morning or very late evening. He needs to stay out of the bright sun. It probably was the cause of his dehydration. He was feeling pretty good today and does not go back to UAB until Thursday. Mom seemed a little better tonight but is still not eating much. The hospital social worker is trying to help me get her into a different nursing home. Hopefully a bed will come available at St. Martin's in the Pines by the time they release her. I like the hospice group, New Beacon, that is at the hospital and they also serve that nursing facility. I just heard tonight that Aunt Mary Lee Jones found out today that she has breast cancer and is having surgery this Friday to remove the breast. She is 92 but her mind is as sharp as a tack. She and Uncle James (Mom's brother, age 94) live in a nursing home in Hoover. Please say a prayer for her upcoming surgery and recovery. God bless you, Karen
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Have you ever been just BORED to tears? Well, quadruple that and maybe you would feel how Terry has been feeling. Terry's mind has recovered much quicker than his body and he has been so bored it's like he has ants in his pants. His body is still weak but his mind is raring to go do something, anything.....just not the same old, sitting in the recliner, clicking the remote. It makes me depressed just thinking about it. Well, his good friend Mike came through to save the day on Saturday. He took Terry up to Guntersville Lake and took him on a boat ride and a little bit of fishing. He did catch one but Mike had to get it off the hook. Terry still cannot touch anything as germy as a fish. They didn't stay too long for this first outing since his transplant 57 days ago. It was wonderful to be on the water and just let the wind blow in his face. Definitely not BORING!!! Alyce takes him back to the Doctor at UAB tomorrow and they will ask if things can start picking up a bit. Mom is still in the hospital but she seemed a little better this evening. The doctor has changed some of her medications and she seemed calmer that she has been lately. Hope you all got to go to worship today. Love, Karen
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Three Free
Three Free days!! that is what Terry and Alyce get. Free from having to get up early to go to UAB and wait your turn to get poked and prodded and stuck with a needle. Free to do what ever they feel like doing. Free to go out on the deck when they get up in the morning and just sit and listen to the birds chirping and watch the sun glisten on the lake and peek through the leaves on the trees surrounding the house. (Sounds like I hope retirement will be in a few years.) Terry is doing a little better every day so today the doctors said don't come back until Monday morning. Although he is feeling so much better, he is still very weak. He has not even felt like dropping a line from the pier in back of their house or picking up his guitar to pick out a tune. When he has not felt like doing those two things, you know he is not feeling well at all. But with time and getting a little stronger each day, I know it will not be long before he will be enjoying those things that bring him such pleasure in life again. They moved Mom to the 6th floor at Trinity today about lunchtime. Butch stayed with her until I got there about 1:30pm. I hoped to see the doctor but he did not come by to see us. I had to leave at 8:30pm when visitor hours were over. You cannot go to see her without having the code to get in to her hallway. It is locked up tight and they do not even have a phone or TV in her room. I hated to leave her tonight because she was scared and confused about where she was. I hope she will not be there long and we can get her in a more friendly surrounding. Thank you for caring. +++++++++++ Karen
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fish Breath
I guess that is what Terry had today. Ha! Ha! Alyce said he was hungry for fish today so she drove to Captain D's and got him some fish. She said he ate 2 pieces with that stinky malt vinegar on it. He had eaten a waffle and several other things today too. Thank goodness his appetite is getting better. He continues to feel better every day. Since he has had a couple of days off, he is dreading going to UAB tomorrow to get "stuck." The nurse told us before we ever started the Bone Marrow Transplant that he would get VERY tired of this, but it is just part of the process of getting and staying in remission. We praise God for every little step of progress that he makes. They had to go to the house in Tarrant today to sign papers to list the house for sale. If you know anyone interested, please let them know. Mom's leg is much better although the bedsore on her heel is still large and black. They may move her to the 6th floor tomorrow to further evaluate her dementia and the best treatment for that. I talked with the Hospice people at the hospital but then the social worker called and said that she had found out that Trussville Nursing Home only allowed Aseracare Hospice into their facility. I called them to see what kind of help they could give and found out that the same doctor who comes to the Nursing Home 2 times a week (125 patients??) is also the medical Director for this Hospice group. That seems like a big conflict of interest to me. I am very concerned about having to put her back in this facility but they have me backed into a corner. Only 1 other home in our area would take her and they do not have proper security for dementia patients or any kind of a courtyard like the present one. We need an advocate for the elderly and the terrible situation our health care system is in. I don't want to be too ugly to the people at the nursing home or threaten a lawsuit or to report them to a higher authority for fear they will mistreat Mom when I am not there. Two and a half weeks in the nursing home and their lack of care put her in the hospital. That is just apalling to me. Those of you who know me, know that I am usually slow to anger but when I saw that they had not changed her bandages in 4 days and her bed was soaked under that leg and then the bed sore and fever, I was furious. Thank you for your continued prayers for Terry and for Mom. May God bless you, Karen
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Is It Tuesday?
Well, the calendar says Tuesday but what happened to Sunday and Monday? Life is just one big blur these days. I got to the hospital to relieve Jackie about 2:45 Sunday afternoon, spent the night ( in that uncomfortable chair/bed) and stayed until 6pm Monday night. I have hired a sitter now from 9pm to 7am and another from 9:30am to 5pm. Butch is filling in mornings and me at night. Monday there were 5 doctors that came by to see Mom and then I also met with a Hospice representative. The Infectious Disease doctor came by tonight and said her leg is looking much better and she may get to come off the strong antibiotics they have had her on within the next day or two. Terry ran another fever Saturday night so Alyce had to take him to UAB on Sunday. Like many of our kids have done, by the time they saw the doctor, he did not have a fever at all. Monday, they did scans of his extremities to see if he had any blood clots and when it was determined that he did NOT, they removed his port. Hopefully, this is where the fever and aches originated and now will be eliminated. I did not get to talk with them today, but Monday afternoon he was feeling better than he had felt in a while. They don't have to go back to UAB until Thursday unless a problem arises. Thanks to the Bunko Ladies for bringing food to them!! After being off on Monday, I worked all day today. When I got to my office this morning, a dear friend and co-worker had left me a sweet card of encouragement and a beautiful pot of "sunshine" mums. We can never repay all the kindnesses that have been shown to us during the past several months by all of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please keep those prayers going, I know that God has something really good in store for us just around the corner. Love to all of you from all of us, Karen
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Showers of Blessings
Well, even when other things seem to be looking down, God blesses us in another way. The rain we have had the past few days has certainly been a welcome blessing. Terry has still been running a low grade fever and today they gave him more IV antibiotic. The doctors did tell them that the blood culture was negative but they did take another one today. His levels are still good and the medicine they have him on for appetite is working. He has regained 3 pounds. He will get to stay home Sunday. On Monday, if the blood cultures taken today still don't reveal anything, they may remove the port because this may be why he keeps running a fever and aching. It could be causing a slight infection that has just not been detected. Mom had a high fever (101.8 under her arm)on Thursday night when I went by the nursing home after work. We could not get her to wake up. She had a red swollen wrist and would scream and cry if anyone touched it. I had the nurse to place a call for the doctor but it took almost 3 hours for him to call back. Meantime, when the aid came in to prepare her for the night, I noticed that the bandage on her leg had not been changed in 4 days. (they have to date and initial the tape) The sheets were soaked with fluid from her leg and the small bed sore she had gotten 2 weeks ago on her heel at Med Center East was now covering her entire heel. I just about lost it!! My brother Butch and his wife Jackie came over about 9:30pm and the doctor had just called back and told the nurse to transport her. The ambulance finally arrived and we got to the Trinity Montclair ER about 11pm. After lots of tests, they did keep her and admitted her to room 525 at 4am Friday. We all had to go to work the next day on 2 or 3hours sleep. I left work about 1:30pm and went to the hospital. They were doing tests on Mom and did not return her until about 5pm. The wrist problem is something called pseudo gout. I have had "prayer meeting" with a couple of people at the Nursing Home and have been assured that changes are being made and problems addressed. We are having to now pay them $147 per day to hold her bed because as terrible as it may seem, we may be forced to return her there. I spent the night last night at the hospital and a cousin (Vicki) relieved me about 11am today. I had already signed up to help at our 1 day VBS so I felt I had to keep my commitment. Butch is staying tonight. Her doctor has ordered that we have someone with her around the clock. This is going to really place a hardship on us (as if we needed something else.) Please continue to keep our entire family in your prayers. I'm about to try to catch up on a little shut-eye. Love, Karen
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Got A Bug
The blood culture came back and showed that Terry has picked up some type of bug. This means he will have to go back to the EVERY DAY thing at UAB. They gave him a bag of Vancomycin antibiotic today and he ended up there from about 9am until 4pm. Bummer!! The doctor said that this is probably why he has continued to hurt and not feel any better than he has. Maybe now they can kill off the bug with these strong antibiotics. Let's just pray that he will continue to improve soon. P.S. John will be 19 years old on Saturday. He is the youngest of all the grandchildren. Terry and Alyce's baby is growing up! Happy Birthday, John!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Fever Broke!
Terry's fever broke last night and Alyce even got up during the night and it was normal. Also normal when they got to UAB this morning. They did take blood cultures and that will take a couple of days to get the results. Meanwhile, his shoulder is a little better and they gave him a prescription to help increase his appetite. I think when he starts eating better he will feel better and get his energy level back up. If you want to send him a personal email of encouragement, send it to and Alyce will print it off for him to read. He will get to stay home tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. Karen
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Running a Fever!
FEVER....Terry started running a fever last night and Alyce was up all night taking his temperature hoping it would come down. He had a fever this evening of 100.5 and that is the point that she has been told to call the doctor, not the nurse. It is hard to understand, because to you or me that seems like a very low fever and we could just take a couple of tylenol or ibuprophen and feel better quickly. But this is not the case with a Bone Marrow Transplant patient. He cannot take any of those type drugs because they CAN mask a fever and a fever indicates a problem. Our biggest fear would be the Graft vs. Host disease. Please pray that this is not that or anything serious. He will see the doctor in the morning and I will report to you tomorrow evening what they find. Thank you for your continued concern and prayers. Karen
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Good News!!
Since they didn't have to go to UAB Thursday, Terry and Alyce got to sleep later than usual. That was a treat since it was the first day in months that he was not in or going to the hospital. Friday he went back and they gave him some Magnesium but all his blood levels are looking great. More Good News!!! They did not have to go to UAB today or tomorrow!! Alyce is giving him his antibiotic at home and he is sitting in his recliner and controlling the remote (as most men do.) He is still having some shoulder pain but is rubbing some cream on it that seems to help. Hopefully it will continue getting better every day. Kristina got accepted a couple of weeks ago to Nursing School at Shelton State and then Thursday she got a letter from University of Ala saying she was accepted there also. She made the smart decision to continue at the U of A where she can also get a BS degree in Nursing. She will be leaving tomorrow to do a mini course for the remainder of the summer to get off a history class that she needs before starting Nursing classes in the Fall. We are so proud of her and know that she will do well.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!
Terry had the MRI and the results did not show anything bad; however, they did not get pictures of his neck area too where he is also hurting. The pain is manageable but tomorrow will be the end of the steroids so it may get worse again. They did not have to stay long at UAB today and had just gotten a call from the hospital this afternoon telling him that all levels looked great and THEY CAN STAY AT HOME TOMORROW!!! Please pray that his strength will hurry and return and that the shoulder pain will quickly go away. We had a good day with friends and relatives. The pig looked gross but I did try a bite and it was good. I made 3 freezers of homemade ice cream....Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. We got home around 5pm and I pulled weeds until dark. We watched the fireworks on TV (not as good as in person.) I am thankful that I live in America...the land of the free. We are so blessed to have wonderful doctors and hospitals (without them Terry could not survive.) We are also blessed that we do not have to live in constant fear because of our brave military who are protecting us. If you have ever served in the military, we salute you and say "Thank you." Love to you all, Karen
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
MRI Delay
Terry and Alyce got to the hospital at 7:45am Monday and sat until 11am before being told that the MRI had been put off until Tuesday (today.) They did do the usual tests on him and gave him a bag of fluid because his Crit level was getting a little high. When they finally got to leave, they went by the Nursing Home (mask on) and sat in the open air courtyard to see Mom for a little while. This was the first time he had seen her since Mother's Day at her house. They don't have to be at the hospital today for the MRI until 11am, so maybe they are getting to sleep in for a change. I wish you all a safe and happy 4th of July tomorrow. We will be spending it with lots of friends and family at our oldest daughter's house. My fun loving, crazy son-in-law is cooking a whole pig in a pit!! I can't miss it but am taking my own BBQ to eat.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Bad Week for Me
This blog is supposed to be for and about Terry but it seems that I am bending your ear about things that are affecting me lately. Terry is still doing better except for some bad shoulder pain. They are giving him some steroid pills and that is helping but he will have an MRI Monday to see if it shows anything other than severe inflammation. I called Alyce today to wish her a Happy Birthday.
This has been one of the worst weeks for me that I can remember. With having to put my Mom in the nursing home on Tuesday and the baby's funeral on Thursday, I have been a basket case. I worked Wednesday and Friday and have been to the nursing home every day except the day of the funeral. Chloe looked like a little porcelain doll, but it was the saddest funeral I have ever attended. Over 500 people signed the book and the church was packed with people standing during the entire funeral. You can GOOGLE Chloe Michelle Collar and sign the book and send a message if you like. Several of you that read this blog who went to school with Terry also went to school with Susan Bradshaw my sister-in-law who graduated from Tarrant the year before Terry. You can also read about the man, Gary White, who has been charged with Vehicular Manslaughter by going to It made front page in the Pensacola News Journal on Friday. The judge did not allow him to get out on bail. He will be held until his trial date is set. We all plan to join M.A.D.D. We need stiffer laws because the max he will get is 15 years. Mom is not doing well and seems to be going downhill fast. Please pray for Terry's MRI results to be good and for all of us to have a better week. God gets us through 1 day at a time. Hug your babies and grand babies every chance you get and tell someone that you LOVE them. XXXOOO Karen
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Still Coming Up
Tuesday and Wednesday were good days again as far as Terry's blood counts. He had to get magnesium on Tuesday but not Wednesday. His white blood cell count on Wednesday was at 8.31 and his platelets were at 131. He is having some shoulder pain and the medicine he is taking makes him sleep. He is still eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crust cut off. Thanks to all of you who have sent food. He is gradually trying a bite or two but the rest of the family is enjoying it very much. Alyce said today that they will be so glad when they can skip a day going to the hospital and just sleep late. "Normal" life is still a long way off, but we are so thankful for his progress. We got Mom in the Trussville Healthcare/Golden Living Nursing Home on Tuesday. I was at the hospital at 8am along with Butch but nobody got in a hurry so it took until 2pm to get her to the Nursing Home. She is confused, hurting and sad. Please pray for Rick's family on Thursday as we have the funeral and burial of our little angel niece, Chloe. Thank you for caring, Karen
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day +28,29 & 30
Terry is doing GREAT!! His white cell counts are continuing to come up and his platelets count is still at a good level. He did get some Magnesium today and is now getting shots in his stomach of Lovenox and is getting Coumadin to prevent his risk of blood clots. He will continue having to go to the hospital daily for 4 to 5 hours for blood tests, etc. He is eating a little now and his favorite is PBJ sandwiches. I have some tragic news to tell you. We received a phone call at 4am Saturday morning from Rick's baby sister, Susan. They had gotten to a condo in Pensacola about 1:30am and were expecting her son(our nephew)Chris and his wife Danielle and 7 month old granddaughter, Chloe, to arrive around 3am. She received a phone call from Danielle saying she was at the hospital because they had been in a bad wreck. They were 10 minutes from the condo sitting at a red light when they were hit from the rear by a 40 year old drunk driver. It was estimated the driver was traveling about 80 mph. Chris had a concussion, Danielle had a fractured hip and pelvis and their precious little baby girl had a fractured skull and swelling brain. They had put her on a ventilator. We began calling our friends and church family at 5am to start praying, but the baby tested with no brain activity about 12:30pm, and she has gone to live with Jesus. When this news was given, Susan's husband, Mark, had a seizure and fell and cut his head open and was taken to the Trauma Unit to see if he had had a heart attack. When it was determined that he had not, he was released. Susan was going from room to room because they had Chris and Danielle on stretchers and would not let them move because they were afraid they might have spinal injury. Meantime, she kept seeing nurses and doctors running back and forth to baby Chloe's room. She was also going to the room in the Trauma Unit checking on Mark. After he was released, they were standing at the elevator to go see about the others and Mark had another seizure and fell, ripping open the sutures and biting his tongue. They decided to admit him to the hospital and do an MRI. I had to go to the hospital to take care of Mom Saturday but as soon as I got back home we began to pack to go down to Pensacola to be with them. We left about 2pm and our daughter, Traci went with us. I made arrangements for other relatives to see about Mom. They put Chris and Danielle in wheel chairs about 4pm and dressed little Chloe in a cute outfit and brought her in for them to hold before pulling the plug. She "coded" (heart stopped) before they had to make that decision. All that were there got to go into the room to tell her goodbye while she was held in the arms of her Mommy and Daddy. Mark was released Sunday and sent back to Birmingham to get out of the stressful situation. Several family members and friends have been there in the waiting room and their room crying with them and trying to comfort one another and helping make plans to remove all stress and financial burden that we could. Chris has been released and Danielle was supposed to be released today but had an allergic reaction to the pain medication and now her release will be tomorrow. A wonderful friend is using his Company's corporate Jet to bring her home Tuesday morning. Visitation will be 12 to 2pm with funeral at 2pm this Thursday at Heritage Place Church of Christ on Hwy 78 in Irondale. Burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery in Gardendale. This is the WORST thing Rick and I have ever experienced. This was their only child and Susan's only grandchild. I just don't know how they will cope. We all have a big hole in our hearts.
I have been talking to the social worker at the hospital and 2 nursing homes while I was in Florida. Butch and I will go tomorrow morning to have Mom moved by ambulance to the Golden Living/Trussville Nursing Home. The doctor is telling her it is for rehab, but it will also be long term. PLEASE pray for us.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Day + 27 Homecoming
Well, I talked with Alyce about 2pm and they were just waiting on the pharmacist to come by so they could leave. I never heard back from them, but they had to go by to get several prescriptions filled. I am sure that just going home was a major physical and emotional drain. I am sure Terry is so glad to be able to sleep in his own bed tonight. I will tell you more tommorrow after I talk with them. They have to be back at the hospital by 8am.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Day + 26 and 1 To Go
Today was a pretty good day because Terry got a little freedom for the first time since he entered the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit on May 15th. They disconnected him from the IV machine and monitor and he was able to go "outside" to breathe fresh (code Orange) air. There is an outdoor courtyard on his floor and he enjoyed feeling the sunshine again. His white cell count came up to 5.61 today but he has a rash on his hands and heels. He has been so miserable for so long and now he is so excited that he is getting to go home tomorrow. I have not seen my baby brother since the day of his transplant (May 26)and have been longing to see him again. Rick took me to UAB this afternoon. It really worked out great because we were able to help Alyce pack up the bed, lounge chair, guitar and other things and loaded her car. She and Kristina and John will go tomorrow to bring him HOME SWEET HOME. I wish we could have a BIG "Welcome Home" party for him but that would just not be a good idea for now. He still has a long way to go. We just need to keep praying for him and especially that he will not get the graft vs. host disease. Our God is Able to deliver him. My thanks to my friend Sunny for helping me out by sitting with Mom from 9:30 to 5 for the past 3 days. Tara and Morgan my daughter and granddaughter went this evening for several hours and Traci, my other daughter will go tomorrow morning. She has been better today. I will give you a report on Terry's homecoming after I talk with Alyce tomorrow. Love you all, Karen
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Day + 25
Today Terry got 2 pints of blood and 1 bag of platelets to get "re-fueled" before he gets to go home. They gave him Benedryl so he slept a lot this morning. He was sooooo upset when he got the news this afternoon that he could not go home on Thursday but could on Friday. I told John to tell him that if he has made it this far, he can surely make it just one more day! His white blood cell count was up to 3.12 and other vitals are improved. Alyce had a cleaning crew at the house this evening still helping de-germ the house. I need to make an IMPORTANT request: PLEASE NO VISITORS to the house until I give the green light which will probably be awhile. That means friends, neighbors, co-workers, kids and all. They can have some phone calls but please keep them short. As I said before, they will still be going DAILY to UAB for about 5 hours so they will not be at home much and when they are need some down time. Terry is still very susceptible to germs and infection and still is not eating. However, Alyce and the kids are still eating and I am sure she would appreciate your calling her to come by YOUR house to pick up some food so she does not have to spend her time at home in the kitchen. Her life was already pretty hectic, but now she will be chauffeur and nurse too. Mom did fine today and was cheery and talkative. But tonight she was like a different person. She has been there 6 nights but thought she had just gotten there and was not going to stay. She was very angry and insisting on going home. It was so hard to hear all the hurtful things she said to me tonight and not cry. I have to keep telling myself that this is not her talking, but the dementia. Butch (our older brother) and his family are taking a few days of much needed vacation. When he returns Sunday, we will have to make a decision about where to take Mom. Please continue to pray for our family.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Day + 23 & 24
Sorry I did not get to post last night I was just too tired. BUT, I have more great news to give you. Monday, Terry's white cell count came up to 1.56 and today it is at 2.81. He is feeling better, talking better and moving around better. He will probably have to have another bag of platelets and blood by tomorrow. Alyce is having their carpets cleaned and has taken all the curtains down to wash and is having a couple of friends come over to help her DEEP clean to try to make the house as germ free as possible. She is trying to get prepared for Terry to come home, hopefully Thursday. Of course he will still have to return daily for about 5 hours to UAB for awhile. But at least he can sleep in his own bed and sit in his own recliner and look down at the lake, and "just be home." I was at the hospital at 7:30am yesterday and today to feed Mom and help her get bathed, etc. She was up again last night and was confused about where she was. We now have a bed that alarms when she gets off the bed. I hope that will help, because I don't want her to fall and break a hip. Kristina came yesterday and stayed with her a few hours and helped her with lunch. I left from 12 to 5 and visited 5 Nursing Homes to try to find a place for Mom's rehab and beyond. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do but it is just not safe for her to live alone any longer. Unfortunately, because of the wound on her leg that will not heal, she cannot go to Assisted Living, which would be a much better option. Please pray that this transition will go as smoothly as possible. Thank you, Karen
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Day + 22
Well, today was a GOOD day! Terry was feeling a little better. His white blood cell count had come up to .59. His mouth sores were a little better and he drank some Sprite. His doctor said that if his Neutrophil count comes up from the current 150 to 500 he could possibly go home by Wednesday or Thursday. That and his kids both being there made him have a GREAT Father's Day. Mom was better today too. She ate almost every bite of her breakfast. Her thinking was much clearer today and she was very pleasant. She is still in a lot of pain with her leg. I have NEVER seen a wound any worse than hers. Please continue to pray for Terry and for Mom. A friend told me something that Mother Teresa said that I can certainly relate to....."God has promised never to put more on us than we can bear.....I just wish he didn't have so much confidence in me." Love you, Karen
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Day + 20 and 21
Friday was another hurting day and Terry got another bag of platelets. Dr. Vaughan did additional tests on the Bone Marrow taken yesterday. He did see "X's" which meant that he was seeing the transplanted stem cells that belonged to me. The transplant definitely did take. We are just not sure why it is taking so long for his blood counts to come up. One of the doctors came in and asked Terry how he was doing "other THAN wanting to go home." Terry apparently called him a "Smart b---". The doctor just laughed. I laughed too when Alyce told me and I told her that I could tell that the transplant had worked because I think that was me saying that instead of Terry. I'm way more MEAN than he is. Ha Ha! I was at the hospital with Mom very early until Kristina relieved me about 11am. I worked til 4:30 and then went back. Mom did get the 3 pints of blood and was taken down for an ultrasound on her kidneys. They also did a biopsy on her leg. She has been EXTREMELY disoriented and talking out of her head. Today is Saturday. I was at the hospital by 7:30am. Mom had not slept and they said she was very confused. She acted mad at me when I got there and refused to open her mouth to get her temperature taken or even to eat. Her blood pressure was 87 over 50. I left about 11:15 because she was sleeping. On my way home I called the hospital to get a report on Terry and he answered the phone. He was feeling really badly and is ready for this thing to get better so he can GO HOME!!! His platelets were back up since he had platelets yesterday but his white blood cell count was back down to .30. The reason he was alone was because their little family dog, Pebbles, who was 16 years old had died. The kids and Alyce had to bury her in their yard. I was so sorry for their loss of their sweet family pet. I went back to the hospital tonight and stayed until about 9pm. Mom seemed much better tonight than last night or this morning. Happy Father's Day to all you Dads and Grand Dads!!
XXXX0000 -- Karen
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Day + 19
Well, today started out pretty bad. Terry had to have a Neupogen shot yesterday and instead of his white blood cells coming up, they went down to .32. This was puzzling to the nurses and doctors so Dr. Vaughan decided to do a Bone Marrow Test to see what was going on. Meanwhile, Terry got Platelets and slept a lot from the medicines for the test. Later today, Dr. Vaughan came back with GREAT news... he did see engraftment of my blood cells in Terry. I guess his blood cells are just trying to resist and things are really progressing slowly. We praise God and thank all of you for answered prayers. This is what we have been waiting to hear!! The nurses told Kristina that they had only seen about 5 cases where the transplant did not work and she was so afraid that Terry was going to be one of those that did not work since things seemed to be going the wrong direction. Now that we know it is taking, we just have to pray for strength and patience for Terry and all of us. I took Mom to the doctor this afternoon because she has been very sick and extremely disoriented this week. They put her in the hospital at Med Center East room 516. I left for a little while to get her gowns and toiletries etc. and got home about 11pm. Her oxygen was low so they are giving her oxygen and she is getting 3 pints of blood tonight also. I will try to be back there by 6:30am and then go in to work when Kristina gets there to sit with her for a while. They will also be treating her leg while she is there. She will probably be there about 7 to 10 days and then go into a nursing facility for more care. I have asked Alyce not to tell Terry that Mom is in the hospital because he does not need ANY additional stress while his immune system is so low. Please continue to pray for all of us.+++Karen
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